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Acer Iconia A500 Installation des unlocked Bootloaders fur ICS. Wer sein Tablet noch unter Honeycomb gerootet hat und dort auch das Clockworkmod-Recovery aufgespielt hat und spater dann keines der offiziellen ROM-Leaks von Acer benutzt hat, sondern nur Custom-RTOMs, die den Bootloader nicht uberschrieben haben, der wird auf seinem A500 immer noch den Honeycomb-Bootloader drauf haben. Eigentlich benotigt ICS auf dem Acer Iconia A500 einen anderen Bootloader, um korrekt hochfahren zu konnen. Essay Good Citizen! Im Moment ist bei den meisten ROMs ein Script bei der Installation eingebaut, welchges den aktuellen Bootloader erkennt und die Installation so vornimmt, dass ein ICS auch mit einem Honeycomb Bootloader startet. My Essay You Write! Da inzwischen aber von Acer das offizielle Ice-Cream-Sandwich Update ausgerollt wird und es einfach muhseelig fur die Entwickler ist, zwischen mehreren Bootloadern zu unterscheiden wird es bald nur noch ROMs geben, die mit dem ICS Bootloader starten.

Deshalb ist es an der Zeit, diesen Bootloader auf den aktuellen Stand zu heben. Vorteile des neuen Bootloaders sind, dass man keinen gepatchten Kernel benotigt, das ROM lauft optimal, es gibt keinen #8222;kaputten#8220; Bootscreen mehr und auch das SoD (#8222;Sleep of good citizen Death#8220;) Problem ist gelost (bei einigen Nutzern hangte sich unter ICS das Tablet einfach auf, sobald es im Standby den Bildschirm deaktiviert). 2co Com! Der Hauptvorteil des neuen Bootloaders liegt darin, dass ein Fastboot-Modus nachgerustet wird. Buy A Good Citizen! Es konnte bisher passieren, dass man sich sowohl das Recovery-System als auch die Bootpartition beschadigte und damit das Tablet gar nicht mehr zum funktionieren bringen konnte. Writings! Mit dem Fastboot Modus kann man nun per Buy a, ADB, bzw. mittels Fasboot-Befehlen, immer noch ein paar Kommandos an Revise you write das Tablet schicken und Dateien ubertragen, so dass Wiederbelebungsma?nahmen deutlich einfacher werden. Buy A! Version des Bootloaders herausbekommen: am einfachsten ist dies mit dem Acer-Recovery-Installer aus dem Google Play-Store. Eigentlich dient diese App dazu, unter Honeycomb das Clockworkmod-Recovery zu installieren, die App zeigt aber bei Start auch die Version des Bootloaders an. You Write! Honeycomb Bootloader Version 3.01. Buy A Essay Good! Dieser Schritt ist extrem wichtig, ohne die CPU-ID geht gar nichts. Ermitteln lasst sie sich recht einfach: Am einfachsten ist es, wenn Ihr in Revise my essay for me, den Ordner auf der SD-Karte des Tablets eines Nandroid-Backups schaut.

Dort findet Ihr immer eine Datei namens UID.txt. Good! Wenn Ihr diese Datei mit einem Texteditor anschaut, wird euch direkt die CPU-ID angezeigt. Cite In An! Eigentlich kann man auch mittels des ADB-Befehls #8222;adb devices#8220; die CPU-ID abfragen. Citizen! Das klappt allerdings nur mit installiertem 3.01 Bootloader und es muss auch zwingend ein Honeycomb-ROM installiert sein. Ist schon ein ICS-Custom ROM auf dem Tablet, spuckt der ADB-Devices-Befehl eine falsche Zahl aus! Wenn Ihr schon einen neueren Bootloader installiert habt: Ladet den A500Manager herunter und startet die exe-Datei im Archiv. Dann wechselt in statement medicine zealand, den Tab “Info Extraction” und druckt den Knopf “Get Serial Number”. Nach einigen Sekunden erscheint die Seriennummer Eures Tablets. 2. Buy A Essay Good! Umwandeln der CPU-ID in Statistical tallahassee, eine SBK. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! In das Feld gebt Ihr Eure CPU-ID ein und lasst die SBK ermitteln.

Eine SBK ist ein Block von 4 Hexadezimalzahlen. Personal! Es sollten unbedingt die neuesten USB-Treiber von Acer fur Euer Tablet installiert sein. Citizen! Die bekommt Ihr auf der Support Seite von Acer. Revise! Macht unbedingt ein Titanium Backup und ein Nandroid Backup. Essay Citizen! Letzteres kann man zwar wegen des neuen Bootloaders nicht mehr verwenden, aber es ist sicherer alle Daten erst einmal parat zu haben, falls irgendetwas weg ist, was nicht weg sein sollte. Zudem wird dieses NV-Flashtool benotigt: NVFlashtool. Diese Zip-Datei Entpackt Ihr auf Eurer Festplatte. Consulting Tallahassee! Am Tablet aktiviert Ihr im Systemmenu unter #8222;Entwickleroptionen#8220; das USB-Debugging.

Um die ermittelte SBK zu testen versuchen wir es mit einem Befehl, der nur eine Information abfragt aber ansonsten nichts verandert. Good! So konnt Ihr sicher sein, dass alles glatt laufen wird. Mit einer falschen SBK kommt Ihr spater namlich nicht mehr weiter und habt aus Eurem Tablet einen edlen Briefbeschwerer gebastelt. Benutzt wieder einmal den A500-Manager. Statistical! Unter #8222;Modes#8220; druckt Ihr den Knopf, um in Buy a essay good citizen, den APX-Modus zu kommen. Stationary To Write! Dieser Modus ist eine Art Diagnosemodus.

Das Booten in Buy a good citizen, den APX-Modus kann etwas dauern, bei mir ist im A500-Manager der eigentlich 3-Sekundige Countdown etwa eine Minute lang, warum wei? ich nicht #128521; Im APX-Modus bleibt der Bildschirm des A500 schwarz. Personal Statement Medicine! Testweise offnet eine Kommandozeile im Verzeichnis des entpackten NV-Flashtools. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Hinweis: Das Verzeichnis des NV-Flashtools im Windows-Explorer suchen und mit gedruckter Shift-Taste mit der Rechten Maustaste auf das Verzeichnis Klicken. Im Kontextmenu #8222;Eingabeaufforderung hier offnen#8220; auswahlen. High! Dort gebt Ihr dann folgenden Befehl ein. Citizen! Statt EureSB setzt Ihr naturlich Euren SBK-String ein, den Ihr vorhin ermittelt habt. High! Lauft alles glatt erfolgt die Ausgabe einiger Zeilen Systeminformationen: Wenn Eure SBK falsch ist, wird statt der Systeminfo nur die Zeilen. rcm version 0X4. Buy A! Command send failed (usb write failed) Dann hort an Revise my essay dieser Stelle auf, Eure SBK ist falsch und Ihr werdet Euer Tablet definitiv bricken, also unbrauchbar machen. Bitte geht wieder zum ANfang zuruck, irgendetwas stimmt mit Eurer CPU-ID nicht. Buy A Citizen! Bevor Ihr dieses Problem nicht lost, bitte nicht weitermachen!

Achtung! Ab jetzt werden Methoden beschrieben, die dazu fuhren konnen, dass dein Telefon unbrauchbar wird und auch keinerlei Garantie- und Gewahrleistungsreparaturen durch deinen Handler oder den Hersteller erfolgen. Consulting Tallahassee! Ich weise ausdrucklich darauf hin, dass ich nicht fur Schadensersatzanspruche aufkommen werde!! 4. Good! Flashen eines ICS-ROMs fur Update des Bootloaders. Ladet Euch dieses ROM herunter: A500-1.031.00-LIGHT-WITH_ICS_BOOTLOADER und kopiert die ZIP Datei auf die SD-Karte des Tablets.Zudem ist es sinnvoll, jetzt schon das ROM Eurer Wahl mit auf die SD-Karte zu kopieren, da wir nachher neu dieses ROM flashen mussen, ist es gleich griffbereit. Statistical Consulting Tallahassee! Ich personlich empfehle das Flexreaper-ROM in essay good, der aktuellsten Version. Stationary Letters! Dann startet ins Recovery, fuhrt einen Wipe aus und installiert dieses Light-ROM mit dem ICS Bootloader. Buy A Citizen! Danach bootet neu. Bitte nicht wundern, das Clockworkmod-Recovery wird ein paar Fehlermeldungen ausspucken, das liegt daran, dass sich nach dem flashen des ROMs kein Recoverysystem mehr auf dem Tablet befindet. Cite Essay! Nach einer Weile startet ein englischsprachiges ANdroid 4, allerdings funktioniert kaum etwas, da dies nur ein Minimalandroid ist, da wir es gleich wieder uberschreiben werden #128521;

Im Light ROM schaut bitte, dass in Buy a essay good, den Systemeinstellungen unter #8222;Developer Options#8220; das USB-Debugging aktiviert ist! SChlie?t das Tablet per USB an Personal statement zealand Euren PC an. Citizen! Wie unter Schritt 3.1 benutzen wir den A500-Manager, um in 2co com writings, den APX-Modus zu booten. Good Citizen! 6. Stationary Letters! Flashen des Unlocked Bootloader V3 und flashen des Recoverys. Buy A Essay! Offnet eine Kommandozeile im Verzeichnis des entpackten NV-Flashtools. Hinweis: Das Verzeichnis des NV-Flashtools im Windows-Explorer suchen und mit gedruckter Shift-Taste mit der Rechten Maustaste auf das Verzeichnis Klicken. Im Kontextmenu #8222;Eingabeaufforderung hier offnen#8220; auswahlen. Jetzt gebt Ihr den Befehl #8222;1#8220; ein und druckt die Entertaste. 2co Com Writings! Das Tool fordert Euch auf, die SBK einzugeben. Die SBK konnt Ihr per Buy a citizen, CopyPaste dort einfugen.

Anschlie?end werden Dateien ubertragen und Ihr sollt warten, bis sich Euer Tablet im sogenannten #8222;Download Modus#8220; befindet. Das Tablet rebootet, man sieht das Acer Logo und oben Links #8222;Entering Acer Download Mode#8220;. 2co Com! Hier bitte die Taste drucken, damit es weiter geht. Es ist etwas verwirrend, der Downloadmodus ist erreichtt, wenn das Tablet sagt #8222;Entering Download Mode#8220;, also eigentlich noch am #8222;betreten#8220; des Downloadmodus ist. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Wenn alles glatt gelaufen ist, steht irgendwann im Display des Tablets #8222;PASS#8220; Hier das Tablet ausschalten, indem Ihr einige Sekunden auf den Powerknopf druckt.

Am PC konnt Ihr das NV-Script mit Tastendruck beenden und die Kommandozeile schlie?en. Das Tablet starten und prufen, ob es bootet. Sollte die Meldung #8222;secure boot: image LNX Checksum fail#8220; kommen, keine Panik, das Tablet einfach noch einmal neu booten. Wenn alles glatt gelaufen ist, dann das Tablet ausschalten und mit gedruckter Leiser-Taste starten und ins Recovery wechseln. Statement Medicine! Hier wipen und Euer ROM (bei mir das Flexreaper) installieren. Google Nexus Smartphones und Tablets rooten mit Wugs Toolkit. Buy A Essay! Oneklicktool fur das Acer Iconia A500 / A501. Statistical Consulting Tallahassee! 145 Kommentare zu Acer Iconia A500 Installation des unlocked Bootloaders fur ICS. Buy A Essay! Hallo Master Brain #128539; ! Ich bin gerade dabei dein Tutorial durchzuarbeiten.

Klappt alles soweit, bis auf das Testen des SBK (3.1). Statistical! Das Tool gibt mir folgende Ruckmeldung: unknown command: u-bl. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Ok#8230;.hat sich erledigt. Personal! Es ist keine gute Idee einfach den Command von deiner Seite zu kopieren und ihn in Buy a essay, das cmd Fenster zu posten. Writings! Irgendwie nimmt er da noch html Formatierungen (unsichtbar) mit.

Hab das dann nochmal per Buy a good, Hand abgetippt. Danach hat es funktioniert. 2co Com! Hat alles wunderbar funktioniert. Buy A Good Citizen! Danke Brian. 2co Com Writings! #128518; #128518; #128518; Bei mir hat alles soweit geklappt, nur komm ich nicht in Buy a good citizen, den Clockworkmode#8230; wenn ich Power+ Lautstarkerunter halte kommt oben die zeile skrilax#8230;. Writings! starting fastboot#8230; aber mehr passiert nicht.. Buy A Good Citizen! Jemand hilfe fur mich?? Und hast du das Problem losen konnen? Hab zur Zeit das gleich Problem#8230; Hallo, super Anleitung. Revise My Essay! Nur muss der nvflash-Befehl nicht mit jeweils einem Bindestrich sondern mit jeweils zweien, so wie auf dem Foto eingegeben werden, damit der SBK-Test unter Punkt 3.1 richtig funktioniert. Good Citizen! Ansonsten sehr einfach und auch fur Halb-Leihen wie mich gut umzusetzen.

An Civatos engliche hatte ich mich bisher nicht ran gewagt. Personal! Man gut, dass ich hier vorbei geschaut hab#8230;danke mcFly. stimmt, doppelte Bindestriche korrigiert WordPress automatisch zu einem, habe mal Code-Tags gesetzt, jetzt ist es korrekt. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Danke fur den Hinweis! sehr gut funktioniert! Tolle Anleitung! Sag mal, lohnt es sich den Kernel. 2co Com Writings! -8-May-2012: RF1 released. -Based on good citizen, 1.031 , 1.033 and 1.041 OTA release. -Full language support and cite an article mla database special optional Acer keyboard for Asian users. Buy A Good Citizen! -Tweaked kernel of the medicine, 1.033 release as I find it the Buy a essay citizen, best. -Ito.dat gps fix build in Revise for me you write, kernel and good system (patch was provided by waydownsouth ) -New ring layout and statement medicine build in Buy a essay, transparant mod. -Optional ring mods ; Dancer and How to essay mla database Gasmask. Good Citizen! am besten probieren und berichten #128521; Eine wirklich gute Anleitung ich habe sie strickt befolgt aber es geht nicht #128577; Ich hab schon ofter gerootet und Custom Roms installiert bin also nicht ein ganz so blutiger Anfanger. Aber ich hab das Problem, dass ich nicht in 2co com, den Recovery komme es kommt immer das Android Machen mit dem Dreieck. Good Citizen! Ich nutze derzeit das offizielle ics 4.0.3 von Acer root habe ich bereits drauf das klappt auch nutze iverse root apps. Ich habe den Vorgang schon bestimmt 10 mal wiederholt bringt alles nicht #128577; Ich will sehr gerne Flexreaper nutzen. To Write Letters! KANN MIR BITTE BITTE JEMAND WEITERHELFEN ? @ Taoufik,wenn Du das offizielle OTA-Update von Acer installiert hast, hast Du automatisch nen anderen Bootloader.Starte mal die Acer Recovery Installer, die sagt Dir im unteren Drittel welchen Bootloader und welches Recovery Du drauf hast.

Die Anleitung hier ist fur HC-Bootloader User. Good Citizen! @Trok,der Kernel ist nur fur Flexreaper-Roms, speziell fur den letzten RC. Consulting Tallahassee! So weit ich weiss gibt es momentan noch keine all-in-one Kernel ala Siyah- oder Redpill,etc. Buy A Essay Citizen! Wenn Du das aktuellste Flexreaper-Rom flashst, hast Du einen modifizierten Kernel, der weiterhin Dir 700 Punkte mehr wie der von Dir genannte Stock-Kernel im Quadrant-Bench bringt. My Essay For Me You Write! Der Stock-Kernel sollte noch etwas stabiler laufen, aber den solltest Du nur flashen wenn Du den letzten RC drauf hast, von dem der Anhang in good, Deinem letzten Post stammt. Ich hab Deine Frage nur deshalb so halbwegs kapiert, weil ich vorhin selbst das Flexreaper Rom (hier- installiert hab. My Essay! @all! Das letzte Flexreper-Rom lauft ubrigens grandios.

Endlich keine Wlan-Aussetzer mehr bei mir und mit dem V3-Bootloader smooth wie Butter. Bisher funzt alles und sogar das lastige Flackern( anscheinend ein Problem mit dem Lichtsensor) bleibt bisher aus. Good! Kann ich nur empfehlen, da hat Civato nen Top-Rom abgeliefert. An Article Essay Mla Database! Vielen dank fur die Antwort heisst das im Klatext es gibt keine Moglichkeit Flexreaper aufzuspielen ? Kann ich denn noch downgraden ? doch, du musst nur weiter vorne beginnen. mit dem originalen bootloader wird das recovery bei jedem neustart uberschrieben. Buy A Essay! Ok das habe ich soweit gemacht #8230;.. For Me! :-). Hmm ich hab da halt jetzt nur das Problem mit der cpuid die scheint nicht ok zu sein. Essay! kommen da auch Buchstaben drin vor ? Ich weiss nicht weiter am liebsten wurd ich das Tab ausm Fenster werfen #128578; Und herzlichen Dank fur die Hilfe. Cite In An Essay Mla Database! Lad Dir bitte die App AcerRecoveryInstaller aus#8217;m Playstore und starte sie. Buy A Good! Nur starten nichts weiter.

In der unteren Halfte steht welchen Bootloader Du hast und welches Recovery. How To Cite In An Essay! Aus#8217;m Fenster werfen #8230;ich weiss nich? In der cpuid finden sich Zahlen und Buchstaben. Buy A Essay Citizen! Sie sollte ungefahr so lauten: 0x033c123c456 def789, bei mir hatte sie 18 Stellen. Hast Du schon ein Nandroid-Backup angefertigt?

Falls ja,kannst Du die cpuid leicht finden, indem Du z.B. Statistical Consulting! mit ES-Datei-Explorer in das letzte Backup gehst und dort widerum die Datei Uid.txt offnest. Buy A Good! Das gilt allerdings nur fur Backups, die noch unter dem HC-Bootloader angefertigt wurde(der Pfad lautet: mnt/external_sd/clockworkmod/Backup/das letzte Backup/uid.txt). Wichtiger ist jedoch ersteres, dann sehen wir weiter. Cite Essay Mla Database! Wenn Du tatsachlich das offizielle ICS von Acer drauf hast und dieses nach Anleitung(xda-devs) gerootet ist, dann hast Du wahrscheinlich auch ein Recovery dabei installiert. Essay! Kannst Du in my essay you write, dieses auch nach einem Neustart noch booten? Nimm die App Quick Boot aus#8217;m Playstore, dann kannst Du Dir die Lautstarke-minus-Fingerubung ersparen. Buy A Essay Good! Falls das Recovery nach dem Neustart noch unverandert da ist,kannst Du Dir ohne weitere Anderungen Flexreaper in tallahassee, der neuesten Version flashen. Du mu?t nur die zwei Fragen von oben beantworten und beides erledigt der #8222;AcerRecoveryInstaller#8220; aus#8217;m Playstore. Essay Good! Was steht da bei Dir wenn Du die App startest?

Erst einmal mochte ich mich bedanken, fur Deine Hilfestellung. Essay! Das Problem war die Cpuid , habe jetzt die richtige raus bekommen mit der App #8218;TERMINAL IDE #8218; kostenlos im Market erhaltlich dort einfach den Befehl dmesg eingeben und dann nach androidserialno suchen #128578; (Ist ziemlich muhseelig dein Eintrag zu finden ) Das ist dann aber endlich die richtige cpuid und dann klappt die hier beschriebene Anleitung wunderbar. Habe vorher vorsichtshalber den Sbk Test gemacht. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Ich muss sagen ich bin durch den reinen Zufall auf diese Seite gestossen aber die Tipps Tricks und Heilfestellungen sind echt unschlagbar. ich hab nun alle Schritte gemacht. SBK Test war erfolgreich. Und bin im APX Mode. Literature High! Ich hab auch das ICS installiert und Punkt 6 ausgewahlt. Die SBK habe ich eingegeben und nun steht in essay good, der Kommandozeile Nvflash started. Letters! Nun passiert aber nichts weiter.

Das Tablet bootet nicht neu wie in Buy a citizen, der Anleitung beschrieben. Writings! Wie lange muss man denn warten? Was fur eine Taste muss man drucken? Kann mir da jemand helfen? Gruss die Zwiebel. Buy A Good! OK Habs selber gelost.

Der APX Modus fuhrt nur eine Aktion aus. High! Ich hatte nach der Installation des ICS nochmal uberpruft, ob die SBK auch OK ist und anschliessend step 6 ausgefuhrt. Buy A Essay Citizen! Ich hab dann einfach (no risk no fun) das Tablet ausgemacht und neu gestartet und ICS hat normal gebootet. Danach den APX Mode gestartet und dann mit Step 6 fortgefahren. Hat jetzt alles geklappt. My Essay You Write! Danke fur die Super Beschreibung. Schon dass ich helfen konnte. Hab den V3 Bootloader auch erst seit Vorgestern drauf. Das FlexreaperRom habe ich schon seit ein paar Wochen und war auch mit dem alten Bootloader zufrieden mit der Performance. Buy A Essay Citizen! Mit dem neuen BL ist das A500 jetzt nochmals etwas schneller, zumindest bei mir. Leider tritt doch noch ab und zu das Bildschirmflackern auf, aber auch das ist merklich weniger als vorher.Ich bin selber erst seit gestern offiziell dabei.

Der grosse Gott Google hat mich auf der Suche nach einer deutschen Ubersetzung fur die Bootloader-Installation hierher gefuhrt Hab aber auch schon mit meinem alten Desire gute Tipps hier bekommen. 2co Com Writings! Kleine aber feine #8222;Brutzelstube#8220; halt. ich hab mal ne frage. Buy A Good! Es gibt ja jetzt schon ICS Bootloaders V4. Tallahassee! Muss mal alle Schritte nochmal durchfuhren, wenn man bereits den ICS Bootloader V3 drauf hat? Das wurde mich auch interessieren. Geht z.B. Good! die CWM verloren wenn ich den neuen Bootloader v4 mit nvflash auf das Tablet bringe? vielleicht kannst Du einfach noch Dein super Tutorial etwas erweitern, wie man das Upgrade auf ICS BootLoader v4 machen kann#8230; ware wirklich super! Mittlerweile gibt es schon den ICS bootloader V5. How To Cite An Article Mla Database! Weiss nun jemand ob man diese nach Brains Anleitung step fur step machen muss oder gibt es eine einfachere Losung? War cool wenn das jemand wusste. Buy A Good Citizen! #128539; Du musst nicht viel tun.

Einfach das Tool von Blackthund3r nutzen und die passende Datei laden. Personal Statement Zealand! Also eine #8222;.a500apx#8220; Datei. Essay Good Citizen! meinst du das A500APXFlashTool von Blackthund3r? auf wird das tool ja beschrieben, aber da steht trotzdem, dass man die Steps 1-4 machen sollte: -download the APX-FLASH-Tool v-0.3.2. -A500 G100W users download the flash package that installs V5 UNL bootloader and consulting tallahassee custom recovery. Good Citizen! -A501 users download the flash package that installs V5 UNL bootloader and Revise my essay for me custom recovery. Firts you do the Buy a citizen, Steps 1-2-3- 4 of the to write letters, main guide !! -1-Reboot your tablet and make sure on Buy a essay, your tablet: #8222;Settings#8220; - #8222;Applications#8220; - #8222;Development#8220; - #8222;USB debugging#8220; switch on. -2-Now start the statement, #8222;A500APXFlash.exe#8220; , the essay good, tool will start . -3-When it askes for your SBK you need to consulting type it in. -4-Now you select #8222;Use an Buy a A500 APX Flash Tool Package.(.a500apx) -5-Select the package that you want,(you click on the right arrow to high school continue) -6-Now you can select #8222;Manual Method#8220; or #8222;Automatic Method#8220;. Buy A Good! (I always pick Automatic) -7-Click on cite an article mla database, #8222;Enter APX Mode#8220; (now it will do his thing) -8-When it says #8222;Done! press to Buy a essay run again#8220; (even if it says on consulting, the bottom of the citizen, app #8222;no apx mode devices are connected#8220;) you click on 2co com writings, the right arrow to essay continue. Writings! -It will ask if you are ready (click yes if you are) -Let the essay citizen, app do his thing and an article essay mla database wait . Good Citizen! Until it says #8222;Done! Press and Stationary letters hold power to essay switch off then power back on!#8220; Momentan habe ich ja FLEXREAPER-RF1_rv1 drauf und ich frage mich ob ich da gleich mit dem A500APXFlashTool weiter machen kann. Step 4 ist nur das man ein ICS Rom auf z.B. Statement! FLEXREAPER-RF1_rv2 auf SD Karte haben sollte. Hab auch gelesen, dass man ab ICS Bootloader V4 den Bootloader uber fastboot updaten kann. Essay Citizen! Habs mit dem A500APXFlash Tool gemacht und ging ohne Probs. To Write Letters! Ich will mich an Buy a essay citizen dieser Stelle nochmal bei Brian bedanken.

Bisher ist dies die einzige deutsche Anleitung zum ICS Bootloader. Medicine! Dabei hast Du es sogar geschafft,alles unnotige weg zu lassen und Dich auf#8217;s Wesentliche zu konzentrieren. Um mich fur die Hilfe etwas zu revancieren, werde ich versuchen, unkompliziert aufzuzeigen wie man den V3-Bootloader auf Version 4, bzw. Essay! 5 updatet. How To An Article In An Essay Mla Database! Bald kommt auch V6, den kann man in Zukunft noch einfacher flashen kann, vielleicht noch dieses WE. Bevor es losgeht kann man die Punkte 1-4 nochmal durchfuhren, um an die CPUID zu gelangen und das SBK zu testen. Essay Good Citizen! Wer sich diese beim flashen des V3 alles notiert hat, kann sich die Schritte sparen. You Write! Die Schritte sind jedoch trotzdem sinnvoll, weil man so prufen kann, ob der APX-Modus funktioniert. Buy A Essay! (Ich hatte z.B. How To Cite In An Essay! bis gestern AOKP_build_36 drauf, damit lies sich aus unerfindlichen Grunden uber den A500 Manager nicht in good, den APX-Modus booten. Erst als ich zuruck auf Flexreaper bin ging es wieder.) Und ob alle Treiber korrekt installiert wurden. Au?erdem sollte das ganze mit Administrator-Berechtigung ausgefuhrt werden. Literature School! Ich personlich schlie?e noch alle Mini-Anwendungen auf#8217;m Desktop und halte Kaspersky an.

Zusatzlich entferne ich alle angeschlossenen USB-Gerate. Essay! Das ganze macht keine Muhe und erspart einem so manche Fehler Suche. Personal Medicine! Zuerst braucht man das APX-Flashtool von Blackthund?r von hier: Dann den entsprechenden Bootloader, inkl. CWM v1.7 von hier: Oder den fur#8217;s A501 von da: Nachdem man sich vergewissert hat das in Buy a essay citizen, den Entwickler-Optionen USB debugging aktiviert ist wird das A500APXFlash.ex gestartet. Im ersten Fenster klickt ihr rechts auf den Pfeil, daraufhin offnet sich ein Fenster in Stationary to write letters, dem ihr eure SBK eingeben musst. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Zwischen den Blocken jeweils eine Leerstelle lassen.

Nachdem wieder auf den rechten Pfeil geklickt wurde bietet das Tool an#8220;Use an Personal A500 APX Flash Tool Package(.a500apx). Buy A Good! Das bestatigen und im neuen Fenster auf durchsuchen, um die V5 Bootloader-Datei in Literature high, die Zeile einzufugen. Dana. Citizen! Hier geht#8217;s direkt weiter, sorry! Danach wieder rechts unten auf den Pfeil. Jetzt sollte am besten die Automatic Methode gewahlt werden und im nachsten Fenster auf #8222;Enter APX Mode#8220; Jetzt dauert es ein paar Sekunden, in school, denen das Tab in den APX-Modus bootet. Wenn es antwortet #8222;Done! press to Run again#8220; wird wieder auf den rechten Pfeil geklickt. Im nachste Fenster auf #8222;yes#8220; und das Tool startet seine Arbeit und flasht den neuen Bootloader. Citizen! Wenn alles durch ist, erscheint folgende Zeile #8222;Done!Press and 2co com hold Power to Buy a essay switch. Letters! off then Power back on#8220;!#8220; ist alles erfolgreich abgelaufen. Jetzt das Tab mittels langem Druck auf den Power-Button ausschalten und vom PC trennen.

Danach wie gewohnt einschalten und Spa? haben. Buy A Citizen! Ich habe Flexreaper RF1 rv2 drauf und das lauft nach wie vor einwandfrei. Unter AOKP_build_36 lies sich komischerweise nicht in How to cite an article, den APX-Modus booten. Good Citizen! Die CPUID, die ihr beim flashen des V3 bl unl ermittelt habt, ist nach wie vor die gleiche, genauso wie das SBK. 2co Com! Die Schritte 1-4 sind nur zum uberprufen. Good Citizen! Das war#8217;s schon. 2co Com Writings! Naturlich gehort mein Dank an Buy a essay good citizen dieser Stelle den Entwicklern und den Verfassern der Original Threads, ohne die ich diese Anleitung nicht hatte basteln konnen. Sagt mal Leute ist overclocking moglich ? Das geht anscheinend in statement zealand, der CWM. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Da kann man verschiedene Hohen wahlen. Medicine Zealand! Aber ich habs noch nicht getestet.

Hmm das hab ich auch entdeckt aber wenn man mit der Quadrant app nach schsut steht da immer nur 1ghz ich glaub nicht das es dadurch. Wirklich ubertaktet wird. Essay! krnnst du einen anderen Kernek denn man nehmen kann wo overclocking geht ? Weil setcpu funktioniert mit diesem auch nicht. School! Hier gehts ja nur um den Bootloader. Einen Kernel kann ich leider auch nicht empfehlen. Buy A Essay Citizen! Hab ich noch nicht getestet.

Bei xda wirst du sicherlich was finden. To Write Letters! UPS sorry die vielen Tippfehler #128580; ist ja grausam #8230;. danke fur die Antwort. Grad ganz neu per mail gekommen. Basian mile hat Recht! Die OC-Funktionen sind nur in essay good citizen, CWM aktiv. High! Sobald der installierte Kernel bebootet wird, sind wieder die normalen 1GHz gesetzt. Essay Good! Ich hatte letzte Woche AOKP drauf, aber auch da gibt es noch keine 4.0 kompatibelen Kernel mit OC-Funktionen.

Vielleicht wenn Gokhanmoral den Siyahkernel mit dem neuen Bootloader kompatibel macht. My Essay! Meines Wissens ist jedoch im neuesten TegraOwners-Build(162 glaube ich) die Ubertaktung der CPU, und mit Zusatztool auch der GPU, moglich. Buy A Citizen! Das Rom findest Du hier:;t=363 im Forum. 2co Com! Mu?t aber bischen schauen und Dich ggf. Buy A! anmelden, damit Du die Downloads siehst. Medicine! Das TegraOwners Rom lauft schon sehr gut, aber als Daily-Rom gefallen mir Flexreaper und AOKP besser.

Vielen dank Leute. Ich glaube ich warte dann doch lieber noch bisschen #128578; Vielleicht bringt ja such Civato noch nen overclockbaren Kernel. Buy A Good! Das ware naturlivh das beste. Guten Tag Tag allen, lese begeistert diesen Thread und bin wie immer zufrieden. Danke an euch und die Hilfe. High School! Habe noch eine Frage. Citizen! Undzwar steht bei mir Kernel Ist diese Up2Date? bzw. Writings! wie kann ich eine neue flashen?! #8230; habe noch Verstandniss Probleme. Buy A Essay Good! Acer A500 ICS-V6-bootloader 0.03.14MUL flashbar via CWM.

Download A500 hier: Download A501 hier: Boot into recovery / wipe cache-yes wipe cache / wipe dalvik-cache-yes wipe dalvik-cache / install zip from tallahassee, sd-choose zip from sd-take and essay good flash it / reboot System now. Man kann auf das Wipen des Cache, bzw. Medicine Zealand! des Dalvik-Cache, auch verzichten. Ich hatte anfangs einige Probleme, die nach dem Wipe nicht mehr auftraten. Buy A Citizen! Grundsatzlich unterscheiden sich V5 und V6 nur durch die Dual-Boot-Option. Der Rest ist weitgehend identisch, weshalb das Wipen jedem selbst uberlassen ist. Wer derzeit noch nicht vor hat ein zweites Image zu installieren und die neue Funktion zu testen, der braucht V6 eigentlich nicht. My Essay For Me You Write! Er bringt keine Verbesserungen und au?erdem hat der V6 noch Beta-Status und lauft noch nicht 100%tig stabil.

Ganz wichtig ist in Buy a essay good citizen, CWM nicht itsmagic auszufuhren. Dadurch wird das 2. 2co Com Writings! Boot-Image beschadigt und kann nicht mehr gestartet werden. Ich werde deshalb noch etwas warten, bis alle Probleme gefixt sind und hau#8216; mir dann als Sekundare Rom TegraOwners oder AOKP drauf. (Boh! Alter!-#8230;dann leg#8216; ich das Ding ja gar nicht mehr aus der Hand:-) ) Gestartet wird zur Zeit uber Volume+ Power-Taste; das startet die Boot-Optionen. Essay Good! Hier kann man auswahlen welches Rom gestartet werden soll. Au?erdem kann der Fastboot-Modus gestartet werden, der ja normalerweise mit dieser Tasten-Kombi gestartet wird. How To Cite An Article In An Essay Mla Database! Beim rebooten spukt CWM einige Fehlermeldungen aus, aber keine Bange, das ist normal. Buy A Citizen! Kurz darauf startet der Bootvorgang erst mit V5, switcht dann aber von selbst auf den grade installierten V6 und lauft dann normal durch und startet das installierte Rom.

Ich geh mal davon aus, dass die zukunftigen Bootloader alle uber CWM flashbar sein werden. Ansonsten hat sich zu V5 nichts verandert und Flexreaper RF1-rv3 rennt genauso gut wie vorher. Statistical Consulting! Getestet hab ich es bisher noch nicht mit 2 Roms,#8230;kommt vielleicht am Wochenende. Aber beim booten steht zumindest schon mal V6 an Buy a essay good citizen der Display-Kante;-p. To Write Letters! gilt deine Anleitung #8222;Acer A500 ICS-V6-bootloader 0.03.14MUL flashbar via CWM#8220; auch dann, wenn man noch einen HC Bootloader hat? Dann ware das ja ideal fur mich, da es bedeutend einfacher ware als die Original-Anleitung auf dieser Seite. Ware super wenn du mir kurz Feedback geben konntest ob ich das richtig verstanden habe. Den haben momentan alle drauf. Wenn Dein A500 gerootet ist steht der Anleitung von Brain nichts im Wege. Essay! Das flashen via CWM klappt erst mit V5.

OC-Kernel by writings EzterryCivato ist fur Flexreaper@ICS-Bootloader erschienen. Gehort zwar nicht hier her, aber da es in diesem Thread schon Fragen diesbezuglich gab#8230;!? Lauft bisher sehr gut. Buy A Citizen! Installation uber CWM ohne Wipe . High School! @ollimi1 Danke fur deinen Tipp. Ich habe den Kernel nun drauf seid jetzt genau 7 Stunden.

Ich nutze Setcpu und habe 1200 MHZ interaktiv gesetzt. Lauft ohne Probleme und ist echt WAHNSINNIG schnell habe Spiele gespielt gesurft Mails abgerufen die Cam genutzt etc. Essay Good! Alles lauft sehr rund. An Article In An! Die Geschwindigkeit ist echt der absolute Hammer #128578; Benchmarktest 2948 Punkte. Buy A Citizen! Edit Nachtrag weitere Benchmark Tests 3040 #128578; Supi! Ich nutze zum OC immer #8218;System-Tuner#8216;. How To An Article Essay Mla Database! Kann. Diagnose vom Feinsten, Voll anpassbare Widgets. Essay Citizen! @ollimi1 ja ein wirklich sehr umfangreiches Programm. Statistical Consulting! Jetzt ist mir da doch was afgefallen #128578; Wenn ich auf CPU gehe dann hab ich dort stehen CPU 0 und CPU 1. Good! Bei CPU 1 steht 1200 MHz da ja vorher OC uber setcpu und bei CPU 0. Stationary To Write! 216 wenn mich nicht alles tauscht hat ja das acer einen doppelkern. Good Citizen! Wird denn mit setcpu nur einer davon ubertaktet ? Check jetzt gerade nix mehr.

Ne, im 1. Writings! stellst Du den Minimaltakt ein und im 2. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! den Maximaltakt. Wenn die CPU nicht belastet wird, taktet sie sich runter bis auf den ersten Wert, um Energie zu sparen. Das kann dazu fuhren, dass es manchmal etwas ruckelt, z.B. Statement Zealand! wenn man durch die Fenster scrollt. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Vor allem wenn viele Widgets aktiv sind. Ich stelle den ersten Wert immer auf 456, dann lauft es im Idle runder.

Bei Display off schaltet sich die CPU aber weiterhin aus, so dass sich die Batterielaufzeiten dadurch nicht verringern. Im Fenster #8218;Times#8216; kannst Du uberprufen wie lange die CPU mit welchem Takt lief und wie lange sie offline war. Writings! Korrekte Sache danke fur den Tipp das Tool ist grandios. Und nochmals echt geiles Forum ich find das echt klasse. Ich habe noch ein paar Info#8217;s zum neuen Bootloader. Buy A Good! Die Secondary Boot.IMG Funktionen wurde wohl ursprunglich gemacht, um neben Android ein LINUX zu installieren. Statement Medicine Zealand! Es klapp nur bedingt mit einem 2. Buy A Good! Android. Personal Medicine Zealand! Z.B. Buy A! muss der Kernel die gleichen Module nutzen. Stationary To Write Letters! Ein OC-Kernel neben einem Stock-Kernel funktioniert nicht. Buy A Good Citizen! Meine Hoffnung auf ein AOKP neben Flexreaper RF1-rv3 mit OC-Kernel sind soeben geplatz wie #8217;ne Seifenblase #128549; Ich hoffe das auch das bald klappt, aber derzeit streiken beim Versuch z.B. 2co Com! Wlan-Modul und ein paar andere Sachen.

Probiert es lieber erst gar nicht. Buy A Essay Citizen! Vielleicht klappt es mit einem der nachsten Bootloader. Revise For Me You Write! Finde ich auch. Buy A Essay! Grade wenn der Kernel OC-Funktionen bietet, ist der System Tuner unschlagbar. High! Auch auf#8217;m SGS2@Siyahkernel keinerlei Probleme bisher. Buy A Essay Good! Auch wenn das eigentlich nicht hierher gehort. High School! Kurzer Tipp fur Linux-Nutzer: Das Flashen mit #8222;nvflash#8220; kann man auch unter Linux machen, siehe Anleitung unter;postcount=460. Citizen! Leider habe ich jedoch keine Moglichkeit gefunden, unter Linux in How to essay, den APX-Modus zu kommen, daher muss man dafur wohl oder ubel noch den A500 Manager unter Windows verwenden.

Danach kann man, z.B. Essay Good! wenn man Windows als Virtualbox-Gast nutzt, mit Linux weitermachen. Stationary Letters! Das Kabel kann man auch danach anstecken. Essay Good! 1.) Tablet ausschalten. Literature School! 2.) mit Buroklammer den Reset-Knopf drucken und halten. Citizen! 3.) den Einschaltknopf fur genau 3sek halten, dann loslassen. How To An Article Essay Mla Database! 4.) nach einer weiteren Sekunde die Buroklammer aus dem Resetknopf ziehen. Citizen! 5.) Verbindungskabel zum PC anstecken. 6.) mit #8222;lsusb#8220; muss angezeigt werden: #8222;Bus 001 Device 026: ID 0955:7820 NVidia Corp.#8220;

Man kommt auch mit einer Tastenkombination in den Download/APX-Modus. Dazu brauchst Du jedoch eine Sicherheitsnadel oder Buroklammer, denn ohne kommst Du nicht an How to cite an article in an mla database den Reset-Knopf neben der USB-Buchse. Good Citizen! Dieser Knopf dient normalerweise dazu, ein Factory-Reset auszulosen, also ein zurucksetzen auf Werkseinstellungen, kann in Revise you write, Verbindung mit dem Einschaltknopf aber auch benutzt werden, um in citizen, den Download-Modus zu booten. Revise My Essay For Me You Write! Man muss dazu in citizen, das kleine Loch eine Buroklammer stecken. You Write! Wenn die Taste ausgelost wird gibt sie ein leichtes Klacken von sich.

Als erstes das Tag ausschalten. Dann den Resetknopf drucken und halten. Buy A Essay Good! Dazu fur genau 3 Sekunden den Einschaltknopf drucken. How To Cite In An Mla Database! Nach den 3 Sek. Citizen! die Resettaste eine weitere Sekunde gedruckt halten und dann ebenfalls losen. Letters! Voila! Unser Liebling bootet in essay, den APX/Download-Modus,#8230;ganz ohne Hilfe von Windows oder Linux.

Hast Du auch Probleme mit Systemtuner seit dem letzten Update? Bei mir schmiert Flexreaper ExtremEdition nach dem booten sofort wieder ab und zwar immer an to write der gleichen Stelle(ca.5sek. nach erscheinen des Lockscreens). Buy A Essay! Musste das ganze System neu flashen und hab ihn jetzt schweren Herzens runter geschmissen und OC derzeit mit CPU-Master free. Prima, besten Dank fur den Tipp! #128539; Damit ware ich dann unabhangig von Windoof. Werde ich beim nachsten Mal ausprobieren. Medicine Zealand! Anhang zum Download-/APX-Modus. Buy A Citizen! ICS-V7-Bootloader ist da. Writings! #128518; Fur CWM flashbar ab V5. Buy A! Hier noch der entsprechende Link zum Forum. Statistical Consulting Tallahassee! Einige Verbesserungen im Bezug auf Sec.-Rom, es klappt aber immer noch nur wenn beide Roms auf die gleichen Kernel-Module zugreifen.OC-Kernel geht immer noch nicht. Mal sehen#8230;?

Wenn weiter so flei?ig gearbeitet wird klappt das vielleicht auch irgentwann wie auf#8217;m SGS2, wo man die Roms einfach via CWM@Siyah-Kernel von primar nach sekundar verschieben kann, und dann auch mit OC-Unterstutzung fur beide Roms. Essay Good Citizen! Habe mein Tab vor ein paar Tagen, mit der Anleitung uber Brains Brutzelstube auf den ICS Bootloader V3 geandert. Anschlie?end ROM Flexreaper Extrem Edition rev2 aufgespielt. To Write Letters! Das hat alles, dank der guten Anleitungen, bestens funktioniert. Buy A Essay Citizen! Nur seither passiert es standig das das Tab von alleine ausgeht. How To Cite An Article In An Mla Database! Kann mir da jemand helfen bzw. Buy A Essay! eine Tipp geben was ich dagegen unternehmen kann. Mit dem Tool #8222;blackthund3r_A500_APX_Flash_Tool_v0.3.3#8220; gelingt es mir nicht eine neue Vers. High School! des. Buy A Essay Good! BL aufzuspielen. Das Tab geht aus wohl dann in Statistical consulting tallahassee, den APX-Modus. Buy A! Laut Beschreibung soll das Tab neu booten und auf dem Screen eine Logo und noch was anzeigen das geschieht aber leider nicht.

Hast Du mittlerweile was erreicht? Kannst Du mittels Lautstarke+Powerbutton noch in 2co com writings, den Fastboot-Modus booten? Damit ware Dir schon mal sehr geholfen. Buy A Essay Citizen! Was meldet denn Blackthunder, wenn Du mit dem Tool in Personal zealand, den APX/Download-Modus booten willst? Unten links mu?te was stehen,was auf den APX-Modus hinweist und Dir bestatigt, dass Du Dich im APX-Modus befindest. Essay! Der Screen bleibt in diesem Modus schwarz. High School! Wie sieht#8217;s mit CWM aus?Kommst Du noch ins recovery? Schaltet sich das Tab in Buy a good, jedem Modus von alleine aus oder nur im laufenden Rom? Und das wichtigste#8230;- stimmt deine Cpuid/SDK? Blackthunder solltest Du mit Admin.-Rechten starten und alle unnotigen USB-Verbindungen trennen. Am besten auch gleich alle Mini-Anwendungen vom Destop entfernen.

Falls noch moglich,wurde ich versuchen das Rom neu zu installieren. Writings! Bei Flexreaper nicht vergessen flexrom zu formatieren.(Do a full wipe/factory reset Hand make sure you format flexrom) Um Dir bei einer Losung zu helfen, braucht es mehr Informationen. Essay Good Citizen! Hier findest Du bestimmt eine Losung #128161; Nachdem mein Acer immer wieder von selbst aus ging habe den Patch. Statement Medicine! Flexreaper-RF-EXTREEM-TO-RF1_rv3 eingespielt und seither ist ruhe. Nur geht halt. Buy A Good! kein OC mehr aber egal ist auch so schnell genug. My Essay For Me! Das erneute aufspielen eines neuen BL habe ich noch nicht wieder versucht. Da mache ich. mich mal am Wochenende ran und berichte dann.

PS. Deinen Link werde ich mir in Buy a essay citizen, Ruhe ansehen. Tallahassee! Danke ollimi1. Den OC-Kernel findest Du auch seperat auf der Flexreaper-Seite. Buy A Citizen! Einfach runterladen, dann wipe cache, wipe dalvik-cache-install zip Form sd-choose zip(hier den Kernel auswahlen)installieren, reboot und schon hast Du wieder OC-Funktionen. Letters! Weiter oben in diesem Thread habe ich eine vereinfachte Anleitung geschrieben, wie Du vom V3 auf V4-8 updaten kannst. Buy A! (Am 19.6.) Ab V4 kannst Du den Bootloader mit CWM aktualisieren und wenn der neue auf den gleichen Datei basiert(z.B. 0.03.14Mul), brauchst Du noch nicht mal das Rom neu aufspielen. Personal Medicine Zealand! Hallo zusammen! Ich komme nicht weiter #128577; Wollte, wie beschrieben, das ROM (Punkt 4) installieren, doch mein Android zeigt nur ein rotes Ausrufezeichen #128577; Installiert ist ICS 4.0.3. Hintergrund ist der ich mochte gerne ein Custom-Rom installieren und benotige dafur einen anderen Bootloader aber ich bekomme es nicht hin #128577; Hoffe hier kann mir geholfen werden *seufz* Hast Du Dein Tag schon gerootet? Ja, ist gerootet.

Okay! Installier#8216; doch bitte mal den AcerRecoveryInstaller aus#8217;m Playstore und starte ihn. Buy A Essay Good! Der sagt Dir nach kurzer Zeit in der unteren Bildschirm-Halfte welches Recovery und welchen Bootloader Du hast. 2co Com Writings! Au?erdem kannst Du damit CWM-Recovery 1.7 installieren, falls noch nicht geschehen. Buy A Essay Citizen! Es gibt zwar schon 1.7.2, aber den mu?test Du Dir bei den Devs runterladen. Ist das erledigt, steigst Du am besten in to write, meine vereinfachte Anleitung vom 19.6., hier in diesem Thread, ein. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Aber es kann nicht schaden, die CPUID nochmal zu testen, bzw. My Essay! die Schritte 1-4 erneut auszufuhren. Mit dem Flashtool geht das alles ziemlich schnell und Problemlos, das findest Du in essay, der Anleitung. Statistical Consulting! Ich wurde mir auch nochmal das aktuellste FlexreaperRom runterladen und die md5 checken, kann sein die erste war beschadigt. Buy A Citizen! Du brauchst zwingend die Version fur ICS-Bootloader, am besten die ohne Games.

Du solltest au?erdem alle anderen USB-Gerate vom Desktop trennen und auch alle Gadgets@Mini-Anwendungen schlie?en, Maus/Tastertur kann bleiben. Es kann auch nicht schaden, den Virenschutz anzuhalten. Statistical Consulting! Da die Tools nricht zertifiziert sind kann es Probleme geben. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Die neusten Acer-Treiber verstehen sich von selbst, aber falls Du noch Treiber von anderen Android-Geraten drauf hast#8230;-runter damit! Wenn Du trotzdem noch Probleme haben solltest, sag Bescheid. 2co Com Writings! Z.B. ware interessant welche Meldung neben. Essay Good Citizen! dem roten Dreieck stand. Personal Statement Medicine! Und noch was! Sollte ein anderes Recovery drauf gewesen sein als 1.7 oder hoher, konnte es auch daran gelegen haben. Good! Dann wurde ich versuchen das Rom erneut zu flashen. Nach jeder Bootloader-Aktualisierung ist eine Neuinstallation eh angebracht, auch wenn man ab V4 neue Versionen mit CWM flashen kann.

Alle Links findest Du in diesem Thread, war#8216; ja gelacht, wenn wir das nicht hinkriegen. #128578; ROM ist neu geflashed#8230;. Cite In An Essay! *seufz* Das Acer Prog sagt mir: #8222;Cannot identify installed recovery. Stock or custum?#8220; #8222;Bootloader Version: 0.03.12-ICS#8220; Hatte eben auch mal ausprobiert. Das Programm kommt nur bis zu Step 2: Flashing Bootloader (EBT) stage two uploading image#8230; und dann passiert nichts mehr#8230;. Good Citizen! Mit dem AcerRec. Medicine Zealand! kann ich aber nur: CWR rev1.3.4 by good Thor2002ro installieren#8230;. Essay! Du hast noch den Stock-Bootloader drauf, der unlocked Bootloader muss 0.03.12UNL hei?en. Du mu?t also nochmal mit Schritt 1 anfangen. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Bevor Du anfangst lad#8216; Dir doch bitte mal die App Rootchecker aus#8217;m Playstore. Wenn Dir das Tool eine grune Antwort gibt ist alles gut und Du hast Rootrechte und SU. Als nachstes brauchst Du CWM-Recovery 1.7 oder neuer, welches Du mit der App AcerRecoveryInstaller installieren kannst. 2co Com! Wenn Du die CPUID notiert hast, uberpruf sie nochmal.

Mit dem ICS-Update kann diese uberschrieben worden sein. Essay Citizen! Wichtig ist auch das SBK zu testen, wie in Statistical consulting, Schritt 3 und 4 beschrieben. Essay Good Citizen! Wenn hier nur ein Zeichen falsch ist funktioniert nix mehr. Cite Mla Database! Du solltest auch wirklich alle unnotigen USB-Verbindungen trennen und die anderen Tipps beherzigen. Buy A Good! hab mir jetzt die datei: herunter geladen. My Essay For Me You Write! wie kann ich sie denn nun mit dem acer progi installieren?? So, ich bin dann erneut nach Deiner Anleitung vorgegangen#8230; wieder ohne Erfolg #128577; SBK usw. war alles kein Problem Uberprufung funktionierte auch. Buy A Citizen! Allerdings kann ich das ROM nicht installieren es erscheint Android liegend, geoffneter Bauch mit einem roten Ausrufezeichen und das war es #128577; ich bin echt am verzweiflen#8230;. To Write! was halst du davon, zuruck auf android 3.2 zu gehen und dann alles manuell zu installieren wenn DAS denn klappt? Lass#8216; das mal! Erstmal installieren wir Dir das runter geladene CWM 1.7.3, denn Root hast Du ja, okay? Wir kommen schon dahin wo Du hin willst.

Hast Du CWM1.3.4 versucht zu installieren? Wenn nicht, versuch das erstmal#8230; Wenn das geklappt hat, sind wir ein Stuck weiter und installieren jetzt 1.7.3. Buy A Good Citizen! Dazu verschiebst Du sie in mla database, die erste Dateiebene auf Deiner Sdcard, danach machst Du das Tab aus und startest manuell ins Recovery. Essay Good Citizen! Also Lautstarke-(minus) +Power gedruckt halten, bis sich das Recovery-Menu aufgebaut hat. Hier suchst Du uber #8222;install zip from statement zealand, sd#8220; usw. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! die CWM-Datei und installierst sie. Personal! Danach rebooten und Acer Recovery Installer nochmal starten. Buy A Essay Good! #128577; Klappt auch nicht#8230; CWM1.3.4 installiert.

Power + Vol (-) gedruckt. Personal Statement Zealand! Kommst Du denn in good citizen, den APX-Modus? Das erkennst Du daran, dass der Bildschirm schwarz bleibt. High! Im Blackthunder-Fenster mu?te unten aber ein Hinweis stehen, der den APX-Modus bestatigt. ja in Buy a citizen, den apx modus komme ich. Hast Du mal Root-Checker ausprobiert? Entweder ist das Recovery beschadigt oder Du hast kein Root. Letters! Ich wurde es nochmal ganz von vorn versuchen, indem Du Dein Tab nochmal rootest. Buy A Essay! Es gibt da genug Anleitungen, die auch CWM-Recovery beinhalten. also root hab ich nochmal gemacht#8230; kann nicht auch der bootloader defekt sein?? hab ja noch immer 0.03.12-ICS drauf. so ganz allmahlich verzweifele ich #128577; Gibst Du die SBK von Hand ein oder per Personal medicine zealand, copypaste?

Es ist wichtig sie eingehandig einzutippen und zwischen den vier? 0xBlocken je eine Leerstelle zu lassen. Buy A! Der Teufel steckt manchmal im Detail. Stationary Letters! copypaste#8230; werds mal per essay, hand probieren. nein klappt nicht#8230; Flashing patches bootloader V3#8230; Formatting partition 4 please wait#8230; Command Execution failed cmd 12, error 0x120002. Tallahassee! Command failure: format partition failed. bootloader status: unknown operation message: flags:0. Kann es nicht doch sein, dass irgendetwas mit dem ROOT nicht klappt. Also fur mich sieht das so aus, als hattest Du einen Fehler bei der Eingabe in die Kommandozeile. Bist Du sicher, dass alle Schritt mit Admin-Rechten ausgefuhrt werden?

Leider sagt mir der Fehler Code nur, dass das eingegebene Kommando nicht ausgefuhrt werden kann. Essay Good! Irgenteine Kleinigkeit macht Probleme#8230; Sind alle unnotigen USB-Verbindungen getrennt,Windows-Gadgets geschlossen und ggf. Letters! andere Treiber,die nicht von Acer stammen entfernt? Mich la?t sowas auch nicht in Ruhe. Essay! Wenn alles nichts hilft, mu?t Du wohl oder ubel nochmal bei 0 anfangen.Also alles entfernen, bzw. Essay! deinstallieren und erneut runter laden. Dazwischen neustarten nicht vergessen!

Auch wenn Du die Acer-Treiber neu installiert hast nochmal neustarten. Good Citizen! Bei der Eingabe in Literature high school, die Kommandozeile auf Leerstellen usw. Essay Good! achten und bevor Du Enter druckst, nochmal kontrollieren. Statistical! Machmal sitzt man wie der Ochs vor#8217;m Tor. Ein Downgrade auf 3.2 wurde ich nur machen, wenn auch das nichts bringt. Buy A Good Citizen! Davor wurde ich das 4.0.3 Update nochmal neu installieren. 2co Com! Du konntest Dir auch die Original-Anleitung in Buy a essay good citizen, englisch nochmal vornehmen, die ist etwas umfangreicher beschrieben. Literature School! Uberprufst Du mal ob USB-Debugging aktiviert ist, Grade nach Updates ist das Hakchen oftmals nicht gesetzt. Buy A Good! Doch, auch USB Debugging ist gesetzt#8230; aber kann es sein, dass ich mit meinem ICS Bootloader hier im Beitrag ein wenig falsch bin.

Moglich ist das schon. Tallahassee! Ich bin damals vom alten Bootloader mit Custom-Rom auf den unlocked gewechselt. Vielleicht musst Du tatsachlich zuerst ein Downgrade auf 3.2 machen, um mit dieser Anleitung weiter zu kommen. Buy A Essay Citizen! Befrag#8216; doch mal Google dazu und ich suche heute Abend auch noch mal. To Write! Hey Thorsten!Falls es noch aktuell ist#8230;- ich habe den Fehler gefunden!! Und zwar im Original-Thread zum ICS V7UNL bootloader auf xda-developers. Hier nur das wesentliche: To install the citizen, V7 UNL Bootloader delete this files. If you have the Revise, full leaked version of 1.031.00 then you need to Buy a citizen get root so you can delete #8222;recovery-from-boot.p#8220; from Literature high, /system before you flash the essay good citizen, unlocked booloader and Personal statement medicine custom recovery. Buy A Citizen! So installieren Sie das V7 UNL Bootloader Loschung dieser Dateien.

Wenn Sie die volle Version von 1.031.00 zugespielt haben, dann mussen Sie root zu bekommen, so dass Sie #8222;Recovery-from-boot.p#8220; aus / System loschen konnen, bevor Sie den entsperrten booloader und benutzerdefinierte Wiederherstellung blinken. Literature High! Das loschen dieser Datei verhindert, dass das CWM-Recovery beim booten jedes mal vom stock Recovery uberschrieben wird. Du solltest Dir den Thread dazu vielleicht nochmal durchlesen, bzw. mit Hilfe von Google ubersetzten. Buy A Good! #128563; Also ich hatte den Downgrade gemacht und schwupps die wupps#8230; alles wunderbar #128512; Super! Freut mich fur Dich. Hast Du auch Flexreaper drauf?

Ich habe seit dem letzten Update Probleme mit Bildschirm-Flackern. Revise For Me You Write! Seit ich zuruck bin auf das rv3-Update funzt wieder alles. Hast Du auch Probleme mit dem letzten Update oder geht das nur mir so? bin exakt nach der Anleitung vorgegangen. Good Citizen! Hat alles geklappt. Revise You Write! Danach habe ich das neueste Flexreaper Rom mit den Zusatzdateien installiert. Allerdings habe ich nach wie vor Bildschirmaussetzer.

Und einige Acerprogramme laufen auch nicht sauber. Buy A Good Citizen! zb. Musicplayer. Hier werden die mp3 Titel immer 2 mal in How to in an essay, der Liste gezeigt. Essay! Der Originalplayer spielt die MP3 Dateien uberhaupt nicht. How To Cite An Article! Gibt es Losungen fur diese Probleme? Danke im voraus. Geh mal ins Recovery( geht entweder uber Tastenkombi oder per Buy a essay, App,z.B.

Quick Reboot) Dann-wipe cache yes, wipe cache, dann auf advanced und auf wipe dalvik Cache-yes, wipe dalvik cache, und als letztes erneut advanced und fix permissions. Revise My Essay! Anschlie?end reboot System now dann sollte es gehen. Die Apps nicht mit Titanium Backup wieder herstellen, sondern aus#8217;m Marke holen. Good! Anschlie?end kannst Du mit TB fur jede App die Daten wiederherstellen. habe gestern nochmals alles von vorne installiert. Stationary! Alle Apps habe ich neu aus dem market geladen. Alle Daten habe ich per Hand neu eingegeben. Nun werde ich es mal beobachten ob der Screen immer noch Aussetzter hat. Die Probleme mit den doppelten Dateieintragen hat sich erledit, soweit ich es jetzt schon beurteilen kann. Buy A Essay! Hat jemand eine Idee wie man den aktuellen Bootloader (V8) installieren kann? Ich habe gerade von V7 nach V8 geupdated.

Von V3 ist die Prozedur anders. To Write! Ich habe es hier dokumentiert (ohne Windows-Tools, da ich Linux am PC nutze): Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Ab V4 lasst sich der BL auch per 2co com writings, CWM updaten. Das Flackern des Bildschirm tritt meist im Browser auf und zwar wenn der Scrollbalken an Buy a essay citizen der rechten Seite ausgeblendet wird. To Write Letters! Das Flacker kannst Du mit ICS-Browser pro abschalten,da der ohne den Balken kommt. Buy A Good! Gibts im Playstore und ist bis auf den Balken identisch mit dem Standard-Browser, bei dem auch der Fehler liegt. 2co Com Writings! habe ich ausprobiert, flackert auch mit dem ICS-Browser ohne Scrollbalken.

Die Losung fur das Flackern im Browser und in anderen Apps ist das Abschieds-Schmankerl von Civato. Das RemixRom setzt auf dem ersten OC-Kernel auf und der hatte damit keine Probleme. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Ich hab#8217;s grad drauf und seit dem #128512; Bis auf ein paar kleine Anderungen entspricht das Rom dem Flexreaper RF1 Extreme Edition. Wer will kann also auch das FR behalten und flasht nur den ersten OC-Kernel. Wipe Cache und Dalvik-Cache nicht vergessen. ich bin Deinem Ratschlag gefolgt, mit dem Ergebniss das ich jetzt kein WLan mehr habe. How To In An Essay! Kennst Du eine Losung? Ubrigens, ohne Wlan flackert der Browser wirklich nicht mehr #128578; ich habe noch einmal ganz von vorne angefangen. Buy A Essay! Alles formatiert, gewiped usw. School! Dann neu installiert, alle APPS aus dem Market geladen und neu installiert, alle Daten neu eingegeben. Essay! WLan funktioniert nun, alle ander werde ich heute nacht testen.

Fur das Wlan Problem gibt es auf der Flexreaper Seite in letters, den Release-Notes einen Patch und wenn Du noch weitere Probleme kriegst, dann probier#8216; doch mal das Remix-Abschieds-Rom. Essay Citizen! Das entspricht bis auf die Tastertur, die aus Android 4.0.4 stammt, weitgehend dem FR-RF1 Extreme Edition. Falls Du jedoch weiter das Flexreaper-Rom verwenden willst, aber dazu den ersten OC-Kernel, dann darfst Du die Updates nicht einspielen, denn beim Update wird auch der Kernel aktualisiert. 2co Com! Das fuhrt dann unweigerlich wieder zum Flackern. Essay Good! Du kannst zwar nach den Updates wieder den alten Kernel druber bugeln, aber dann kannst Du auch gleich das Remix-Rom nehmen.

Ich habe das Remix-Rom seit Vorgestern drauf und bin sehr zufrieden. Letters! Alles lauft wie geschmiert(1500 Punkte im Vellamo-Bench, das packt mein S2 bei gleicher Taktung grade so und das Ergebnis ist fur ein bald 2Jahre altes Tablet mal richtig gut) Fur mich ist das Remix das bessere Flexreaper! Kann ich uneingeschrankt empfehlen und da Civato aufgehort hat, sehe ich im Moment bei FR-Ex-Edition auch keine weiteren Verbesserungen@Updates. Essay Good! Civato hatte nur diese Flexreaper-Remix-Version drauf und der wusste schon warum. An Article! Es gibt au?erdem einen V8ter Bootloader mit geandertem Hintergrundbild zum Remix-Rom.Sieht sehr geil aus #128559; Ja ich habe jetzt das remix drauf. Good! Und im Moment habe ich auch keine Probleme im Browser, aber das bleibt doch noch mal abzuwarten. Statistical Consulting! Ja ich habe jetzt das remix drauf. Und nach der kompletten Neuinstallation ganz von Grund auf funktionierte auch das wlan. Buy A Citizen! Und im Moment habe ich auch keine Probleme im Browser, aber das bleibt doch noch mal abzuwarten. How To In An Essay! Ich hatte in essay good, den letzten zwei Tagen ein einziges Flackern und auch lange nicht so krass wie fruher.

Da blieb teilweise bis zur nachsten Beruhrung des Screen dunkel. How To Cite In An! Dieses Flacker hatte ich bisher nicht wieder. Schade, dass Civato erst am Ende die entsprechenden Info#8217;s raus geruckt. So hatte das Flexreaper die ganze Zeit sein sollen. Good! Haste schon mal den V8 Bootloader getestet? Entspricht dem normalen V8ter hat aber ein anderes Hintergrundbild.

Er la?t sich ganz einfach per high, CWM installieren, wenn man von V4-V8 kommt. Buy A Essay! Soviel sei schon mal verraten, beim booten hat unser Iconia noch nie so gut ausgesehen. Oh,shit! Es muss naturlich Relix heissen-nicht Remix! Habe die automatische Fehlerkorrektur erstmal deaktiviert. Statistical! Finde sie bei Tablets eh unnutz! Liegt am 4.0.4 Layout, da Civ#8216; dieses in good citizen, seinem AbschiedsRom eingebaut hat.

Sorry nochmal, dass ich es jetzt erst bemerkt hab.(Hab Resurrection Remix auf meinem S2, deshalb ist es mir nicht aufgefallen) Hast Du das gesamte Tablet gewiped, um vom aktuellen Flexreaper nach Relix zu kommen? Oder reicht es, cache und dalvik-cache zu wipen? Ich mochte ungern ganz neu installieren. 2co Com Writings! Da Relix ein Flexreaper RF1-Extreme Edition ist, das aber auf einem anderen Kernel aufsetzt, konnte es Probs geben, wenn Du auf einen Full-Wipe verzichtest. Du kannst aber auf der FR-Seite in essay, der Kernel-Sektion den V3-Test-Kernel fur ICS-Bootloader nehmen und diesen flashen. Personal Statement Medicine Zealand! Auf diesem setzt auch das Relix auf und #8222;ja#8220;, damit sollte das Flackern auch aufhoren. Buy A! Wenn Du nur den Kernel flasht, reicht es Cache und Dalvik zu wipen. Ne#8216; sichtbare Anderung au?er dem 4.0.4 Keyboard gibt es eh nicht und selbst bei diesem sind die Anderungen unsichtbar. Du kannst auch den V8-Bootloader von der Relix-Seite flashen, falls Du mindestens V4 drauf hast. My Essay! Ist eine

Civ#8216; hat nur das Hintergrundbild ausgetauscht. Essay! Es ist nicht mehr hell-blau. sondern zeigt jetzt einen Tiger. Cite Essay Mla Database! #128559; Sieht sehr geil aus und Deine Leute werden Augen machen! Sollte es Probleme mit WLan geben, dann hilft #8222;fix permissions#8220;(Recovery-advanced-fix permissions),Wipe Cache und Dalvik-Cache. Citizen! Nach dem flashen des Kernels darfst Du jedoch nicht mehr die Updates (rv. Cite An Article In An Essay! 1-5 ) einspielen, da Du damit auch einen neuen Kernel flashst und dann flackert#8217;s wieder. Hoffe das hilft #128161; danke fur die Hinweise. Dann werde ich wohl nur mal den neuen Kernel auf dem FR flashen. Essay Good! Das mit der anderen Tastatur bei Relix gefallt mir nicht sonderlich, zumal xt9 fur eine Bluetooth Tastatur die beste Losung ist fur deutsche Tastaturbelegung. Stationary! So, habe nun uber mein v5.1 Flexreaper den OCV3test Kernel und die beiden Pakete JB Apps + V8 Bootloader vom Relix-ROM geflasht. Cache und Dalvik-Cache gewiped.

Funktioniert alles soweit. Buy A Good Citizen! Na Rainer! Wie laufts bisher? Hatte man das blo? fruher gewusst, ware einem viel Frust erspart geblieben. bei mir lauft es jetzt mit dem RELIXxx sehr gut. How To In An! Ich hatte auch schon mal wieder ein Flackern, aber ich wei? schon nicht mehr war es 1 oder 2 mal. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Also nichts wirklich kritisches.

Sonst bin ich damit sehr zufrieden. Revise! Ok fur einen Deutschen ist die Tastatur eher schlechter, weil man fur Umlaute und das ? nicht einfach nur lange auf den entsprechenden Buchstaben drucken mu? sonder sliden mu?. Good Citizen! Das war in Statistical consulting tallahassee, der alten Tatstatur einfacher. Aber sonst bin ich sehr zufrieden. Buy A Good Citizen! Noch keiner den BL installiert?

Schaut wirklich gut aus beim Start! #128512; Das mit den Umlauten nervt wirklich etwas. Komisch das bei mir nur das u und das o durch sliden zu erreichen ist, a und ? sind sofort da. Consulting Tallahassee! @Rainer kannst Du was zum Flexreaper mit v3test-Kernel sagen. Buy A Good! Lauft immernoch alles gut oder treten Probleme auf? Ja, eigentlich lauft es ziemlich gut, habe aber immer wieder Aussetzer vom Stehen, aber sehr selten. Personal! Das Problem ist also immer noch vorhanden, aber weniger. Citizen! Der Toshiba Media Player sturzt grundsatzlich ab. Literature! aber auf den kann ich verzichten. Essay Good! Sonst konnte ich bis jetzt nichts feststellen. Stehen sollte eigentlich Screen hei?en, blodes worterbuch. Stationary To Write Letters! Bei flackert#8217;s auch gelegentlich, aber lange nicht so krass wie vorher. Good! Mit dem Toshiba Media-Player hab#8216; ich zwar keine Probleme, aber ich nutze eh Mobo, weil der fast alle Codecs abspielt(gibt eine Extra-Codec-Sammlung fur Mobo-Player im Playstore). 2co Com! Falls Du doch den Toshiba-Player nutzen mochtest#8230; Geh#8216; mal ins Recovery auf advanced und fix permissions, das repariert alle Berechtigungen.

Danach sollte der Player wieder laufen. also ich habe es jetzt mit den permissions probiert, mit dem mobo player und noch einigen anderen. Essay Good! Alle spielen die mp3 files nicht ab. Statement Medicine Zealand! Immer kommen alle Titel 2 mal in Buy a, der Titel liste. Also da habe ich keine richtige Losung gefunden. Schei#8230;.. Statistical Consulting Tallahassee! Okt mal sehen ob ich da noch irgendwie weiter komme. Buy A Essay Good! Relix-Rom ist heute nochmal aktualisiert worden. Statistical Consulting Tallahassee! Basiert auf dem letzten Acer-Release und lauft soweit gut. Buy A! Vielleicht bekommst Du damit den MP3-Player zum laufen.

Fur das Tastertur-Problem habe ich folgende Losung, klappt aber nur wenn man noch ein alteres Titanium-Backup hat. Einfach aus TB die Android-Tastertur wieder herstellen, die in 2co com, der zweiten Hafte bei den nicht installierten Apps liegen sollte, auch wenn der Eintrag in rot da steht. Essay Citizen! Nur die App-ohne Daten. Consulting! Jetzt habt ihr 2 Tasterturen, aber ihr konnt nicht von einer zur anderen wechseln. Dafur mu?t ihr noch in Buy a essay good citizen, die Einstellungen zu Apps und die nervende Tastertur deaktivieren. Revise You Write! (Die betreffende Tastertur la?t sich nur deaktivieren aber nicht deinstallieren!!) Jetzt nur noch neu booten und schon lauft wieder die alte Tastertur. Good Citizen! Es gibt noch die Moglichkeit mit einem Datei-Manager die entsprechenden System- Dateien zu suchen und zu ersetzten, aber ich pfusche nicht gerne im System herum und so geht es auch. Cite Mla Database! habe heute nochmals das neueste RELIXxxxX geflasht. Essay Good Citizen! Habe vorher alles mit Wipe geloscht wie beim Flexreaper beschrieben auch das Toggle Format/Bachup gesetzt. Danach lief alles wunderbar auch die Player liefen einwandfrei, nur jeweils ein Eintrag in tallahassee, der Liste. Buy A Good Citizen! Dann habe ich alle meine Apps aus dem Market neu installiert.

Danach die zwei Spiele GOLF und SOLITAR aus dem Flexreaper App/Widg Zip. Danach gab es wieder die gleichen Probleme mit den Playern. Statistical! Hier scheint irgendwo das Probelm zu liegen. Werde nun heute Nacht nochmals alles formatieren, dann das RELIXxxxX neu flaschen. Danach jede App aus dem Market installieren und nach jeder App probieren ob die Player noch einwandfrei funktionieren. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! Hoffe auf diese Art den Ubeltater zu finden. 2co Com Writings! Berichte dann wieder.

Hort sich ja merkwurdig an. Ich hatte mal Zicken, weil ich #8217;nen zusatzlichen Equalizer drauf hatte. Au?erdem ist es oft problematisch, wenn man parallel mehrere Player drauf hat. Essay Citizen! Braucht man aus irgend welchen Grunden mehr als einen Player, sollte man den nicht benutzten deaktivieren. Personal Statement Medicine! Das geht sehr komfortabel mit SD-Maid aus Playstore, unter Apps-lange drucken und im Pop-Up einfrieren. Das deaktiviert die ausgewahlte App vollstandig, so dass sie keine Dateien in den RAM schreibt. Buy A Essay Good! Wenn mehrere Player auf die gleichen Datein(MP3-Files) zugreifen, kommt es zu doppelten Eintragen und zu den von Dir genannten Problemen. Oft sind in high school, Custom-Roms mehrere Player installiert, doch sollten die Entwickler ruhig darauf hinweisen, dass man sich fur einen davon entscheiden sollte. Essay Good Citizen! Probiers mal aus und sag bescheid wenns geholfen hat. 2co Com! Hier gibt es die erste Jelly Bean-Portierung fur unser A500(501 weiss ich nich#8230;) Hat zwar noch paar Macken mit Verbindungsabbruchen Wlan und Bluetooth, aber lauft ansonsten wohl schon rund. Milestone 6 AOKP Compilierung lauft auch grade und sollte in essay, ein paar Tagen verfugbar sein.

Das lauft dann auch auf#8217;m 501! habe den Tag gerade zur Nacht gemacht, alles von Grund auf neu installiert. Cite An Article! Nicht alle Spiele sind installiert, und alles funktioniert. Essay! Die wichtigsten apps habe ich jetzt drauf und so werde ich es lassen. Writings! So ahnlich mache ich das auch immer, weil ich kein Bock hab, jedes mal alles komplett neu zu installieren. Die Updates in good, Flexreaper waren da ein Segen. Literature School! Haste schon mit gekriegt, da? es schon wieder #8217;ne neue Rom gibt. RE-Flex 4.0.4 benotigt allerdings schon wieder #8217;nen Full Wipe.

Damit ich mir die nicht installierten Apps nicht immer aus#8217;m Playstore laden muss, habe ich Apps Backup Restore und SD Maid drauf. Buy A Essay Citizen! Als Launcher ist Nova drauf, denn damit lassen sich auch die Widgets schnell wieder herstellen. School! So kann ich weniger oft genutzte Anwendungen offline installieren, wenn ich sie brauche oder ich deaktiviere die Apps, die sich nicht deinstallieren lassen, wie z.B. die 4.0.4 Tastertur. Essay Good! Einfache App-Backup-Tools gibt es ja einige gute im Store und zum wieder herstellen der Daten ist TB bei Civato#8217;s Roms ja grundsatzlich dabei. For Me! Um meine Apps und alles andere nach einem Wipe wieder herzustellen brauche ich so Grade mal ca.

2 Stunden. Und auch die sind mir schon zu viel! Nach der Ersteinrichtung brauche ich nur noch 2-3 Apps aus#8217;m Playstore laden(Apps Backup, SD Maid Nova Launcher). Dann stelle ich mit Apps Backup Restore die Apps wieder her und mit TB anschlie?end die Daten. Essay Good Citizen! Ist das erledigt, stelle ich mit Nova meine Homescreens wieder her und als letztes deaktiviere ich mit SD Maid alle Apps, die ich nicht deinstallieren kann. Naturlich hat jeder da seine eigenen Methoden, aber fur mich ist das so die beste und vor allem schnellste Losung. Immerhin stelle ich in Stationary to write letters, dieser Zeit ca. 60-70 Apps sammt aller Daten wieder her. Buy A Good! Mit Re-Flex rev2 hat das Fucking-Flickering endlich ein Ende. Entweder hat Ezterry das Problem behoben oder es liegt am A700-Framework, auf dem das Rom basiert.

Ist ja auch egal-hauptsache es flackert nicht mehr. Allerdings ist immernoch die 4.0.4-Tastertur drauf, aber die la?t sich ja austauschen. Personal Statement Medicine Zealand! Ups! Ich nehme alles zuruck, das Flackern ist wieder da. Liegt am 1.0.0 Kernel! Abhilfe schafft wieder nur der V3TestKernel, der auf der ReFlex-Seite verlinkt ist. Buy A Good! Mir unverstandlich warum er den wieder intergriert hat, er weiss doch das er nach ein paar Stunden Theater macht #128559;

Mit dem TestKernel lauft wieder alles rund #128521; Also auch von mir noch einmal vielen Dank fur diese tolle Anleitung! Zusammen mit der Seite #8222;; habe ich es geschafft. Bei mir musste allerdings alles ohne Windows laufen. In An Essay Mla Database! Ich habe daher das entsprechende bat-Script durch ein shell-Script ersetzt. Eine schone Sache ware, wenn in essay, obiger zip-Datei das Linux-Binary und das script bereits enthalten waren #128521; @Brain McFly: Bei Bedarf kann ich Dir die Sachen schicken. Literature! Habe es fur V3 und V7 getestet. Essay Good Citizen! Die Seite kommt von mir.

Ich versuche, dort alles zu sammeln, was man braucht, wenn man wie ich Linux am PC verwendet #128512; . Letters! Einige Infos dort sind auch von dieser Seite hergeleitet. Buy A Essay! Als ich Dir kurz darauf auch mein Feedback gegeben habe, habe ich das schon fast vermutet. Statistical! Der Vorname #8222;Ralf#8220; ist ja fast so selten wie #8222;Thomas#8220; #128518; Also wie geschrieben, die Scripte fur Linux gebe ich gern raus. Essay Good Citizen! Wie kommt man an Stationary diese Serie nummer, der Link funzt nimmer. Von blackthund3r gibt es eine alternative Seite Essay Good Citizen! Hallo Brain McFly, super geiles Tutorial. How To Cite Essay Mla Database! Habe mich schon etwas langer gescheut den HC-Bootloader auf ICS upzudaten. Buy A Essay Citizen! Mit deiner Anleitung klappte es innerhalb von 20 Minuten. Super Anleitung, sehr gut beschrieben! Hallo.

Ich wei? nicht ob ich hier richtig bin. Habe mein Tab Asus Transformer Tf300t) vor langer Zeit Rootzugriff gegeben. Seitdem wird es vom Pc und Laptop nur noch als Fastboot erkannt und kann keine Dateien mehr kopieren. Revise For Me You Write! Ich stecke es am Pc an, es offnet sich das Fastboot. Es gibt keine Moglichkeit etwas zu kopieren ect. Kannst du mir vielleicht helfen? Ich hoffe es ist nicht zu Ot jetzt. Essay Citizen! hab schon uberall gegoogelt, nichts bringt mich weiter.

Kann nur noch uber wlan Dateien kopieren und bei einer Datei die 4 GB hat, dauert es einfach viel zu lange. Hast du einen Tipp fur mich? Loschen des Fastboots und Tab neu am Pc angeschlossen, Treiber neu installiert hat auch nichts gebracht. Kam immer wieder nur das Fastboot. Medicine! nachdem bei mir der Bootload 0.013 installiert war dachte ich, ich kann direkt die auf den insternen Speicher kopierten zips flashen und jetzt geht gar nicht mehr. Buy A Essay! Aktuellste FlexReaper Version genommen geflasht, alles ok, bei Neustart dann: Boot verified failed. Revise You Write! Nichts mehr geht, Recovery Modus: Recovery verifaid faild. Nichts geht mehr!!

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Summary Licenses and Certifications Education Clinical Rotations. Optional headings for your new-grad nursing resume. Each of the following headings should be considered and included based on whether or not you have relevant details to Literature include: Work History Affiliations Volunteer Activities Honors and Buy a Awards Skills Summary Languages. Now let’s take a look at the ordering of the headings. Of course, your contact information should be at the top of your resume. As usual, you should place the Summary as first heading on your resume. Next, include your Licenses and Certifications if you have already obtained them. However, if you have not already obtained them, then you may want to writings push this heading farther down the list under your Clinical Rotations. Next, include your Education followed by Buy a essay good, your Clinical Rotations.

You will undoubtedly find many who recommend that you place your Work History first. Moreover, placing Work History before Education is the conventional standard. High School! As a result, it’s difficult for some to Buy a essay trust advice that recommends placing Education first. Statistical! So, here’s our supporting argument… As a new-grad, you may not even have work experience. Buy A Citizen! If you do, it’s most likely that you don’t have applicable work experience and even if you do have applicable experience, it’s most certainly not Registered Nursing work experience. Stationary To Write Letters! You can’t obtain RN work experience without an Buy a essay citizen RN license and you can’t get an RN license without first graduating from an accredited nursing program and passing the NCLEX. Moreover, your new-grad nursing resume should quickly convey that you are a new-grad. There is no point in trying to hide this fact.

If employers are considering new-grads for an open position, then recruiters and hiring managers are going to be receptive to Personal statement your situation. If they’re not considering new-grads for the opening and are instead requiring experience for the position, then they’re not going to Buy a essay good be receptive to your situation. You’re not going to trick them by putting your CNA or EMT work experience ahead of your education. In fact, doing this could make your resume even less effective as reviewers receptive to new-grads may never even get to your new-grad status before passing on the resume. Perhaps more importantly, our recommendation is based on what was desired by the hiring managers we worked with. You will find corroboration for Revise my essay for me, this recommendation from reputable sources all over the internet. For example, the sample new-grad resumes from California State University Chico and University of Buy a essay, Texas San Antonio both have the headings listed in medicine zealand, the order we recommend.

Additionally, UC Davis Medical Center requires Education, Senior Preceptorship and Clinical Rotations on the resumes of all applicants to their nursing residency program. For further proof, let’s take a look at essay good what a hiring manager had to say about Literature high school new-grad resumes. As the Director of Workforce Development for Orange County Memorial Care University and a Board Member of the Association of California Nurse Leaders, Maria-Jean Caterinicchio, RN, MS said, “It (your resume) should state where you have done your clinicals and any certifications such as EKG and ACLS. You can also include any conferences you have attended beyond the essay citizen, classroom.” Your Clinical Rotations and Education are key components of your new-grad resume! That takes care of the 4 required headings. The 6 optional headings can be ranked as you see fit. Remember, you should only consulting, include these headings if you have substantial details to convey. And you may want to rank them in order of good citizen, strength as they relate to the job in question.

For example, if you have experience working as a CNA in a hospital setting, then your Work History should be given a higher ranking because it highly relates to the job you’re applying for. Specific Details to Include on consulting tallahassee Your New-grad Nursing Resume. You’ll undoubtedly come across many people who recommend that new-grads use an citizen Objective instead of a Summary on their resumes. Literature High School! The argument is that you really have nothing to good citizen summarize as a new-grad. However, we think that Objectives are an outdated resume heading that do nothing to my essay advance your main objective of conveying why you’re the right person for the job.

Moreover, you can include an objective within a summary if you’re intent on essay having one. Here are three articles from Revise my essay for me you write major publications that support summaries over objectives: Now, you may have heard that recruiters spend 6 seconds reviewing your resume. While we doubt that they really spend that little time reviewing each resume, we certainly believe that the time they spend is very limited. Therefore, your goal is to make sure your resume can be easily scanned, starting with your Summary. You do not want recruiters getting stuck on your Summary by writing a big paragraph. Instead, use bullet points and essay citizen try to keep each point at 1 to 2 lines . As for what to include in your Summary…It’s a good idea to state that you’re a new-grad.

You might summarize your clinical rotations. Medicine Zealand! You may point out any special skills that you have, like second languages or computer skills. And, as mentioned previously, you may include an objective. We recommend listing each license and certification with the following information: Full name of the Buy a essay citizen, license or certification. Full name of the Revise for me you write, issuing body of the license or certification. Expiration date of the license or certification if applicable. License or certification number if applicable. If your license is part of the Nursing Licensure Compact, then it should be indicated.

Many nurses express privacy concerns over including their license numbers. Your nursing license number is made public through the state licensing board. Citizen! It can easily be obtained using the basic information you provide on your resume. Adding it simply assists those recruiters and hiring managers who need to look it up for verification as a result of hospital/employer policy. Education for Your New-Grad Nursing Resume. You should display all of your relevant college education. Stationary To Write Letters! So if you attended 2 colleges to attain your degree, then you should include them both.

Please do not include your high school education. We recommend including the following information for Buy a good, each pertinent education institution you attended: Full official name of the education institution. City and State Dates attended. Literature School! Degree achieved. GPA if it was good. There are several other details in addition to these that you may want to Buy a good citizen include regarding your education. How To Mla Database! We’ve had many new-grads inform us that in their area, employers were interested in knowing their HESI or ATI scores. We recommend checking with your Nurse Educators or your school’s Career Guide to see what they recommend. You may also wish to Buy a citizen include relevant coursework and corresponding grades if you got an A. However, keep this brief and relevant to 2co com the job you’re applying for.

Finally, you may wish to include any honors and awards you achieved if you would rather not place these items under their own heading. Clinical Rotations on Your New-Grad Nursing Resume. Clinical Rotations are an extremely important part of your new-grad nursing resume. As illustrated above, hiring managers indicate that they want to see these details. Major teaching universities require that they be included on resumes submitted for their residency programs. We consider them the citizen, crux of your new-grad resume. At a minimum, you should include the following: Details to include about your clinical rotations. Type of experience (Clinical Rotation, Senior Preceptorship, other).

Start and end dates. Total number of hours worked. Name of the hospital or institution. City and State. Name of the unit/department (examples: Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Medical Surgical Unit (MS), Labor and Delivery Unit (LD)). One common mistake to medicine zealand avoid when listing the essay good, name of the writings, unit is listing the hospital specific unit name. For example, the hospital specific unit name might be 3-West, but nobody outside the hospital knows what that means. Instead, list the essay, type of unit it was as designated by the type of patients the Statistical, unit took. In addition to the details above, we also recommend including the following information: Optional details to include about your clinical rotations. Facility type: Every facility has a technical designation.

For example, most hospitals are “Acute Care Hospitals”. Other designations include Long Term Care Facility, Long Term Acute Care Facility, Children’s Hospital, etc. Listing the facility type lets the reader know without a doubt what the setting was. Essay! Number of beds in the facility. List the How to an article, facility’s trauma designation if applicable.

If the facility was a teaching hospital, then include that information. Number of beds on the unit you were assigned to. Trauma designation of the unit you were assigned to Buy a if applicable. Writings! Age range of the patients the unit cared for if applicable. Nurse to patient ratio on the unit.

Type of good, charting system used at the facility and Statistical consulting name of any EMR/EHR you gained experience with. The grade you received if it was an A. As you may have noticed, many of the Buy a good citizen, details we recommend are technical details pertaining to my essay for me you write the facility and essay unit. These details convey so much about the setting you were in and the experiences you were exposed to with very few words. So including them provides the reader with a ton of useful information.

Additionally, it demonstrates that you understand how import these details are to any healthcare organization, otherwise, you wouldn’t have listed them. Additional options for highlighting your clinical rotations. Finally, you may also wish to include specific details about the Stationary to write, experience you gained while engaged with your clinical rotations. For example, did you have any experiences that might make you a more attractive candidate to essay citizen the prospective employer? Did you learn anything specific about compassion for patients, team work, the importance of learning and medicine zealand growth as a new-grad RN? If you did, then try to Buy a essay offer the to write letters, specifics to illustrate exactly what happened. You may also be able to essay relate your clinical rotation experience to Stationary specific goals or problems of the employer you’re applying to. For example, maybe your research on the prospective employer turns up the fact that they’re seeking Magnet Status. If one of the facilities that you worked at during your rotations was seeking to achieve the same goal, then you may be able to find some way to relate your experience to it. Buy A Essay! Or, perhaps the prospective employer is trying to improve their HCAHPS score and one of the facilities you worked at just achieved success with a similar endeavor.

There are limitless possibilities with this option. The main idea is to try and letters relate your experience during clinical rotations to a real problem or goal faced by the prospective employer. At this point, we’ve covered each of our recommended required headings. As you may have noticed, we’ve offered tons of options. Buy A Good Citizen! So many that if you were to incorporate them all, then your resume would either be too crowded or too many pages. However, many of the details we offer are simply for to write, your consideration. Good! It’s not required to include them all. Stationary To Write! So pick and Buy a essay good choose the ones that work best for 2co com, you by researching the job in question and determining which details will be of most value to the prospective employer.

Optional Details for Your New-grad Nursing Resume. As indicated above, each of the Buy a essay, following headings are optional for Literature high school, your new-grad resume. Good! You should decide whether or not to cite in an use them based on whether or not you have applicable details to provide for them. Let’s take a brief look at each of them. If you have work history, which most college students these days do, then you should probably include some reference to it on your resume. Essay Citizen! Try your best to Personal zealand convey how the experience relates to nursing. This will be a lot easier to do if the essay citizen, experience was healthcare related.

If all else fails, offer concrete examples of how you excelled at Personal time management, team work, compassion, service, collaboration, or communication. One important issue to consider regarding work history is stability. Many college students work several jobs during their college career for any number of Buy a essay good, reasons. Too many short term stints may exhibit instability to Stationary prospective employers who are about to devote a large amount of Buy a citizen, resources to you. So you may want to explain short-term work stints or leave them off of your resume. You should definitely use the Affiliations heading if you are already a member of a professional organization related to nursing. 2co Com Writings! For example, if you’re a member of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, then prospective employers will want to know. You may also include relevant college organizations such as Sigma Theta Tau, or the Buy a, Student Nurses Association.

Of course, if the only organizations you belong to are scholastic, then you may choose to include them under your Education heading to save space. When listing your affiliations, consider including the writings, following details: Full name of the organization. Date joined. Your designation within the organization. Buy A Good Citizen! Any special duties.

Organization conferences attended. Including Volunteer Activities is a great way to Literature high demonstrate compassion. You may have volunteered for essay, charity or at a healthcare facility. Consider including the following details: Full name of the organization. Dates of engagement. Quantify the you write, number of hours volunteered. Description of duties and Buy a essay citizen results you achieved if applicable. Any awards or recognition you received.

If you have received many honors and my essay for me awards, then giving them a special place on your resume may be warranted. The other option is to mix them in Buy a essay good citizen, throughout your resume where applicable. Consider including the following details: Name or title of the award. To Write Letters! Date received. Buy A Essay Good! Organization received from. Significance of the award, or reason it was received. For most new-grads, a Skills Summary heading may not be warranted. Skills summaries are intended to convey proficiency with specific skills. 2co Com! As a new-grad, you most likely haven’t achieved proficiency with any aspect of nursing.

However, if you have experience in Buy a essay, a healthcare setting, then you may indeed be proficient with relevant skills. For example, you may be certified in phlebotomy or Crisis Prevention. Letters! In any case, if you haven’t achieved proficiency, then you may be better served by listing skills as details under the heading that pertains to where the skills were practiced. Additionally, you might consider utilizing a Skills Checklist during your job search. In case you’re not familiar, Skills Checklists are documents that allow healthcare professionals to self-assess their skills pertaining to a specific profession or specialty within a profession. They are commonly used by Buy a good, healthcare employers of all types to How to an article in an gauge their employees’ skill sets. BluePipes has over 100 comprehensive skills checklists that you can complete, save and download at your convenience. You can print them out and take them to job interviews in order to easily convey your level of expertise with hundreds of Buy a good citizen, skills.

Again, as a new-grad, it’s not advised to utilize a checklist for a nursing specialty like Intensive Care Unit because you most likely won’t have the Literature, required expertise. However, if you have experience as a CNA, Phlebotomist, or LPN, then you could use one of those checklists as a way to stand out from the Buy a citizen, crowd. These checklists are free to use on BluePipes. So, join today to take advantage! A recent study by Wanted Analytics found that “bilingual” was the second most common skill listed on nursing job postings in the United States.

If you speak multiple languages, then it’s definitely recommended that you include them under their own special heading! What Hiring Managers and Job Postings are Looking for in New-Grad RNs. It’s important to remember that experience, temperament, talents, and convictions vary from person to Revise my essay for me person. While all new-grads may share certain commonalities, they are all unique in their own ways. Similarly, it’s fine for new-grad resumes to share certain commonalities, but each should be unique in it’s own way. As you’ve seen, we have strong opinions on the structure of good citizen, your resume and we provide many recommendations on my essay various details to good include. However, we’re not writing the How to cite an article in an essay mla database, resume for you. Buy A Essay Good! In fact, we strongly recommend against the boiler-plate phrases that have become so common as a result of online resume builders. So, when it comes to the meat of your resume, let the words of hiring managers and job postings guide your efforts. In other words, find ways to relate your unique experiences to 2co com writings what hiring managers and job postings are looking for. And always strive to Buy a essay good provide concrete examples as opposed to generalizations.

Assuming that you’re applying for a job through a job posting (as opposed to cite in an essay networking for good, a job), you should do your best to optimize your resume for cite in an essay mla database, the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). We’ve covered how to Buy a good citizen do this in Stationary letters, a previous blog post, so we won’t rehash it here. The bottom line is that you want to naturally include the key buzzwords and phrases used in Buy a essay citizen, the job posting in your resume. This way, you’re ranked higher by the ATS. Of course, you’re probably wondering what hiring managers are looking for! We’ve provided some examples above, but below are some direct quotes we found from interviews posted online.

These quotes validate what our own experience as recruiters taught us. “Knowing that new nurses are very green in regards to for me you write their technical skills, we look to whether a nurse is really ready to step into the profession. We are looking for essay citizen, those who are really interested in making life better for people who are suffering.” Kimberly Horton, MSN, RN, FNP, DHA, Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer at Mercy Hospital and Mercy Southwest Hospital in Bakersfield, California. “We expect our new nurse graduates to have the basic fundamental nursing knowledge and we are also looking for compassion, a sense of teamwork, accountability and communication. We look for an attitude of collaboration and communication.” Maria-Jean Caterinicchio, RN, MS, Director of Revise my essay for me you write, Workforce Development for Orange County Memorial Care University and Board Member of the Association of good citizen, California Nurse Leaders (ACNL)

Always side on patient safety first. Be open to feedback. Use your resources, such as more experienced nurses, physicians and other members of an article in an essay mla database, your team. Good Citizen! This will also help you build a support system. Always ask questions when you are unsure or don’t know something. Discuss your feelings and/or concerns with your unit leadership. 2co Com! From the first day on the job, be a team player.

Greg Kingsley, RN, New Grad Nurse Recruiter, Emory Healthcare. With all of this in mind, it’s important to good citizen remember that there is no one correct way to Revise my essay for me create your resume. Buy A Essay! We certainly hope this guide provides an idea of best practices as well as an idea of what you shouldn’t do. Perhaps most importantly, it’s important to remember that your resume is Revise my essay for me you write, just one facet of your job search. Buy A Citizen! And while your resume is important, the single most important thing you can do to medicine land that first job, or any job for that matter, is NETWORK! Estimates indicate 70% to 80% of all jobs are filled through networking. Essay! And it’s always best to operate with the “80-20 rule” in mind.

In other words, make sure that you’re focusing on Literature school networking as your main job-search activity because it’s most often the determining factor in success. That’s why we created BluePipes in Buy a essay, the first place…to give healthcare professionals a professional networking platform capable of providing unique career management tools designed to help them solve their unique career challenges. 2co Com Writings! Join today, it’s free and easy! 5 Things that New Grad RNs and Experienced RNs Should Know About the Job Market A New Grad RN recently shared their frustration with us. How to good citizen Write an Effective Nursing Resume Summary Writing an effective nursing resume summary is easier said than. 8 Things Every Nurse Ought to Know About Online Nursing Job Applications Applying online is the norm for nursing jobs. We provide.

So my situation is a little different. I’ve been a Dental Assistant most of my life and decided to Literature high school change careers. I have now achieved my RN. But it took me a lot longer than a traditional ADN program is Buy a essay good, supposed to take. I had an “issue” at the first school I started the nursing program at and ended up needing to cite essay mla database find another school to complete the essay citizen, program. Is this something I should include in my resume (as I see it as a negative thing) or how do I incorporate it to benefit my appearance? I don’t want to leave out info that can hurt me but I’m wondering if the info can hurt me if included.

I agree with Kyle. List out your clinicals. Add a targeted bullet point under each one that relates to the job you are applying for. Learn about ATS. Read the job posting. What words are on there most? What qualifications MUST you have? What qualifications do they PREFER?

All the ones you have – write them down. Yes, use their words. Also read their mission and values. Look through their website. Encorporate their values with yours. A great place to do this is in your cover letter.

What do you recommend to someone like me whose 19 years old. Consulting Tallahassee! Has no work experience, this is my first career.. my resume would be completely blank pretty much. I know you said don’t include high school education.. buts that’s pretty much the only thing I’ve “accomplished” so far, I was an citizen honor student, GPA 3.9, Received an award for academic excellence all 4 years, advanced diploma. Revise You Write! And currently my GPA is 3.5, I haven’t graduated yet but will in OCT, 2016 with my associates degree in nursing. I’m applying to a new graduate residency program now, that will start in February. Essay Good! Please HELP! #128577; how can I make my resume better? Thanks for the inquiry Glenda. Most of the applicants to new graduate residency programs have similar circumstances. To make your resume stand out, be sure to include the details described above regarding your various experiences including clinical rotations and education. You’re welcome to include your high school education.

However, chances are it will not be considered. Just remember that most candidates are going to be in Revise my essay for me, the same boat, so making sure you provide all the details hospitals like to see (as described above) will help you stand out. I hope this helps! Great article! Finally people are talking about New Graduate Registered Nurses and the job search!! The Struggle is VERY real for Buy a good citizen, new, old, reentry, and RN’s seeking a new specialty! Especially in oversaturated markets like California. I invite anybody who is seeking a job to join our Facebook Group RNInterview Tools. All are invited to an article mla database share what worked for them, post questions, and seek support from others who understand.

Members are landing job offers all over and we could not be more thrilled. I definitely shared this article and have shared others from Blue Pipes in Buy a essay, the past. Thank you for assisting all of us Nurses in zealand, our quest. Glad to Buy a hear the article is useful and thanks for sharing, Melissa! Help! I just graduated in May 2016 and got hired as an in an essay mla database RN in a hospital. Unfortunately, I resigned after a month as I felt so overwhelmed in the unit I was assigned to. Buy A! Should I include that one month experience in 2co com writings, my resume? Thanks for sharing, Aleli and Buy a essay good citizen sorry to hear about the difficulties. This is a tough situation. I believe most career consultants would recommend leaving the tallahassee, job off of your resume.

This is because you’ll most certainly be required to explain the short duration in any interview. Moreover, the essay citizen, duration was so short that many employers wouldn’t even require an explanation for the gap in employment. That said, you may want to consider the instructions on job applications. Some hospitals have very stringent rules for entering work history on their applications. Writings! For example, they might require every employer for the past 7 years to be entered on the application regardless of Buy a essay good, duration and also require applicants to provide an explanation of any gaps in for me you write, employment of greater than 1 month. There will be a signing statement in good, the application indicating you attest the information is Stationary, accurate and complete. If they find out you left the job off the application, it could result in good, a rescinded job offer. Although the chances of high, this happening are slim. I hope this information helps! Nursing is my second career.

I taught elementary school before this. Should I include my education for that? Also, should I include teaching school in my work history? I taught for eight years in good citizen, the same school, so it’s a good example that I can hold a job long term. Thanks! Congratulations on your new career, Priscilla. Previous work history and education are both optional for your new-grad nursing resume. In your case, I highly recommend including them both as they are both excellent experiences to display. Literature! However, be sure to keep them brief in order to highlight your nursing skills. I hope this helps!

Hello, I was wondering how do I include my phlebotomy certification on my resume if it doesn’t have an expiration date? If you are formatting your own resume, you can simply add the license without expiration dates. Buy A Essay Good Citizen! However, I’m wondering if you’re using BluePipes to format your resume? Please let me know if so. Thanks! Hi i’m just wondering do you have an you write example resume with all the information you have listed here for preview? thank you! My apologies, but we don’t have a sample. We’ll work on creating though. Buy A Essay! Thanks!

How about information on building a new-grad RN Cover letter? When listing previous certifications and licenses, should you list the initial date of consulting tallahassee, obtainment or expiration/ renewal date? Also, regarding Applicant Tracking System, what is the rule regarding parenthesis ()? I ask because in my certifications I have ACLS, PALS, and a bunch of other alphabet soup acronyms. Should I use (ACLS) after Advanced Cardiac Life Support?

Good questions! There are no steadfast rules, but we recommend listing the citizen, expiration dates. On our resume builder, licenses are listed with both the acronym and name. For example: ACLS – Advanced Cardiac Life Support. That said, most resume parsers are quite advanced these days, so they should be able to Statistical tallahassee contextualize what is meant by essay, “(ACLS)”. However, as illustrated above, it’s not necessary to Statistical tallahassee use the Buy a essay citizen, parentheses if you don’t want to.

I hope this helps! Help! I work in a long term care nursing facility as an RN for about a year and half now. This is my first nursing job and zealand nursing is my second career. What can you suggest in writing my resume? Are my clinical rotations still relevant? Thanks. There isn’t a steadfast rule that applies to citizen your question. Literature! I think it’s fair to say that most recruiters and nursing career advisers would say that your clinical rotations shouldn’t be added to your resume after a year and a half of working in an LYC facility.

That said, you might still list it in an effort to land a job in a new-grad training program.

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20 Best And Worst Fonts To Use On Your Resume. Before you even walk into a job interview you’ve made a first impression on the interviewer. Buy A Good? How? Through your resume. Stationary Letters? According to Buy a essay good a study conducted by the job search site, recruiters spend only Stationary about six seconds scanning a resume. So it’s essential that your resume makes a great first impression — that it looks professional and well organized. How do you do that? You start by using a resume font people can actually read (that#8217;s what this post is good citizen, for), then you design a resume that stands out from the rest (here#8217;s how you do that). When you have both these things you go into Canva and design the thing for free in no time (here#8217;s how you upload fonts from this article into Canva and here#8217;s where you go in Canva to start your new resume design right now). Times New Roman is probably the most commonly chosen fonts for resumes — the very reason you should avoid it, and why it appears on Personal statement medicine our “Worst” list.

So if you don’t want your resume to look like hundreds of others, you’ll want to choose something else. And Garamond is a great alternative. Buy A Essay? A timeless serif typeface like Times New Roman, Garamond’s precursors have been in use for around 500 years. The modern version has the benefit of giving your resume a classic, polished look that’s much more interesting that the overused Times New Roman. As a bonus, if you’re struggling to 2co com condense your resume to one to essay citizen two pages (which is a good idea), Garamond can help you fit more text on statement medicine a page without sacrificing readability by lowering the font size or crowding your design by tightening up the spacing. This simple, sophisticated sans-serif typeface, designed in Buy a essay good citizen, England in the 1920s, will give your resume a look that is Personal medicine, both classic and modern. It’s used widely in the UK (across the British Railways system, by essay the BBC) and elsewhere. You might also notice that Gill Sans is very similar to the custom lettering featured on the famous, WWII-era “Keep Calm and Carry On” poster, rediscovered at a British bookstore in 2000 and subsequently popularized with many replicas of the design. You’ll find this font distributed with Mac OS X and Personal zealand, some Microsoft software as Gill Sans MT.

Cambria, a serif font, is part of a suite of Buy a essay good citizen, typefaces called the ClearType Font Collection, which has been widely distributed with Microsoft Office programs. My Essay For Me You Write? These typefaces (Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia, and Corbel) were designed specifically to perform well on good computer monitors. The studio that created Cambria describes it as “the ‘new Times New Roman”…designed specifically for on-screen reading, while still remaining applicable for print,” thanks to its sturdy letter construction that retains legibility even at small sizes. This makes Cambria a good choice for both online and printed resumes. How To Cite In An? Wikimedia Commons/Hans Hoogglans. Although it has been the default Microsoft Word font since 2007, Calibri is still not used as often as Arial, which landed on our “Worst” list for that reason. This font has other things going for Buy a citizen, it, though; professional resume writer Donna Svei points out that typing in Personal statement, Calibri at Buy a essay good citizen, a 12 pt. size will produce around 500 to 750 words, the ideal length of a two-page resume.

Our third and last selection from Microsoft’s ClearType Font Collection, Constantia’s rounder letterforms make it look more friendly and less stuffy than many serif typefaces. It’s also suitable for use both on-screen and in printed documents, making it useful for when you need to distribute your resume in both digital and hard copy form. Literature School? Originally designed for corporate use, Lato is sans-serif font created to look neutral in body copy but have some unique traits at larger sizes. The font’s designer describes Lato as “serious but friendly” — perfect for resumes. It comes in a wide range of weights and styles, though the “hairline,” “thin,” and “light” weights will be too hard to see at small sizes. It’s available for download (free for both personal and commercial use) and for web use on Google Fonts. Didot is a distinctive serif font with an Buy a good citizen upscale look (perhaps a product of its Parisian roots). This classy typeface can lend some style to your resume and seems to be particularly popular for industries like fashion and photography. However, its delicate serifs display most clearly at How to an article essay mla database, larger sizes, so you’ll do best saving Didot for headings rather than body copy. Wikimedia Commons/Pierre Rudloff.

This Swiss sans-serif typeface is Buy a good citizen, considered by Personal medicine zealand many designers and typographers to be the good, king of fonts. It even has its own self-titled documentary film. 2co Com Writings? Thanks to its modern, clean lines and essay good, exceptional clarity, Helvetica is Personal medicine, widely used in everything from major corporate logos (BMW, American Airlines, Microsoft) to New York City’s subway signs. To give your resume a clean and Buy a essay, contemporary look that’s still professional, try Helvetica. It’s included with Mac operating systems, but if you’re wanting to use it with Windows, you’ll have to you write purchase it. Buy A? Georgia is another alternative to Times New Roman. This serif font has letterforms with thicker strokes that make it easy to read even at small sizes. Plus, because it was created specifically for clarity on computer monitors, it looks great viewed on any digital document, such as if you’re sending your resume as a PDF. This versatile sans-serif font has a very clean, crisp appearance that will give any resume an updated look. Literature? It has multiple weights that you can use to differentiate the various sections and features of your resume, but you should probably avoid the “book” and essay good citizen, “light” weights, as well as any condensed versions — they can be hard to read.

Avenir Next is another good option; it was released as a follow-up to Avenir to improve the font’s on-screen display capabilities. Dribbble/Mario Leo Fasolo. Surprised this one is on the list? There’s nothing wrong with the font in Personal, itself, it’s just that it has been (over)used and abused. Since everyone else is using it on Buy a essay citizen their resumes, yours won’t stand out. Plus, Times New Roman is hard to read at very small sizes and doesn’t display particularly well on screens. Like Gill Sans on Stationary to write letters our “Best” list, Futura was created in the 1920s. Citizen? Except this sans-serif typeface was designed in Germany and my essay you write, is more geometric in essay good, form.

Although it’s a clean, attractive font, the overall appearance is How to cite an article essay mla database, somewhat stylized and atypical. Buy A Essay? With quirks like unusually tall lowercase letters and a jarring contrast between sharp and round letter shapes, Futura leans more toward decorative and interesting (a.k.a, a display font, meant to my essay for me you write be used sparingly) than practical for good, text-heavy documents like resumes. High? In the overused category, Arial is Times New Roman’s sans-serif equivalent. Good Citizen? Using a font that’s so common (and, some would say, boring) may be perceived as a lazy choice — not putting much thought or effort into your resume. Personal Statement Medicine Zealand? Plus, Arial is basically an adaptation of Helvetica that’s a little looser and more irregular in its construction. There’s nothing wrong with conventional fonts, but there are better sans-serif choices out essay there than Arial.

Designed to 2co com writings replicate the look of a typewriter and later adapted for use on actual electric typewriters, this font makes it look like — you guessed it — you typed your resume on a typewriter. Which you didn’t — unless you haven’t updated your resume in 30 some-odd years. Plus, because this is good citizen, a monospaced typeface (every letter is spaced equally, as opposed to most other proportionally spaced fonts) it can look a little unnatural, particularly for whole pages of text. Tempted to Literature school put your name at the top of your resume in Buy a essay, a script that looks like handwriting to give it a little personality? Don’t do it! And especially don’t use Brush Script, which has been so overused that it now looks cheap and dated rather than retro and consulting, nostalgic (it was designed in Buy a essay good, 1942).

While certain creative industries will offer some leeway in playing with the Stationary, appearance of your resume, when in good citizen, doubt, it’s always a safe bet to stick to school conservative font choices (which means no scripts or other display fonts). Unless you’ve been living under a rock for essay good, the past several years, you’ll know that using Comic Sans is considered the cardinal sin of font choices. It was created in high school, 1994 to essay replicate the look of comic book speech bubbles, and that’s about all it’s appropriate for. The casual, almost childish look of the consulting tallahassee, font makes it distracting in any serious context. Essay Good Citizen? And in case you’re wondering why anyone would use Comic Sans on a resume, according to statement medicine zealand this manager, it does happen.

Just remember: it’s a good rule of thumb to stay far away from any font that might possibly come across as fun, flowery, flashy, or funky. Century Gothic has a sleek, modern look, but it’s probably a little too irregular for resumes. Additionally, the thin letters of this font’s regular weight can be hard to read, particularly at small sizes. Good Citizen? There’s really no good reason anyone should want to use this on a resume, but people seem to like it. So if you’re tempted to give your resume an medicine zealand adventurous or exotic air with Papyrus, resist. This font is so cliche (probably second only to Comic Sans) that is has become something of a joke — Fast Co. Buy A? Design puts it this way: “as everyone who has written a school project over the last decade will tell you, Papyrus is the font you use to spell out the word #8220;Egypt.#8221; Want to make a bold, confident impression with your resume? You don’t need a bold, heavy font to do it. Impact is most likely intended for Revise for me you write, use in all caps for good citizen, headlines, but because it includes lowercase letters, people are sure to use it for body copy, where it’s almost impossible to read. Yes, Trajan Pro has a dignified, important feel, but it would be more appropriate etched into stone than typed on your resume.

That’s because the typeface was inspired by the letterforms carved into Trajan’s Column, a monument dedicated to the Roman emperor of the same name. The font only has capital letters and small caps (no lowercase option), which makes it unsuitable for for me, typing out readable sentences on your resume. So it’s probably a good idea to leave Trajan to the movie posters (more than 400 of them), particularly those starring Russell Crowe. For resumes, a font size of Buy a essay good citizen, 10 to 12 pt. (depending on the particular font, but no smaller than that) is 2co com writings, standard. Larger sizes are acceptable for headings or subheadings. Buy A Good? Remember that everyone viewing your resume on a computer will have different fonts installed, and you don’t want your carefully chosen typeface automatically replaced with a substitute that messes up the How to cite in an essay, document’s appearance and formatting. That’s why it’s a good idea to always save and send your resume as a PDF, which preserves the original appearance (unlike a MS Word document). Do you have a favorite (or least favorite) font for resumes? Share in the comments below. Good? Bring great design to your entire workplace. Janie is a freelance writer and graphic designer and the owner of Design Artistree Creative Studio.

After college, she built on her background in art to Stationary letters explore design. and loved it. Essay? Now, she enjoys finding ways to combine the craftsmanship of traditional fine arts with the letters, digital possibilities of graphic design. Build Your Brand: How to Choose The Right Fonts. 60 Free Sans Serif Fonts to Give Your Designs a Modern . 60 Free Serif Fonts to Give Your Designs a Traditional . 60 Free Calligraphy Fonts to Bring Charm to Your Design. 60 Free Outline Icon Sets Perfect for Contemporary Desi.

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essay topivs You’ve spent quite a bit of time in your English classes writing argumentative essays, and you’ve even gotten pretty good at writing on the topics your instructor assigns. But when it comes to choosing your own argumentative essay topics, you draw a blank. It’s not that there aren’t any good topics to choose from, but you start over-thinking it, wondering if each topic is too cliche, overdone, or just not good enough. Chances are, all you need to Buy a essay good, do is relax and find a topic you’re passionate about letters, and, of course, one that is debatable. Why Pick Debatable Argumentative Essay Topics? Photo by David Hume Kennedy via Gerald R. Citizen? Ford Library.

The name of the essay says it all– argumentative . It would be a lot easier to write an essay on something that people generally agree on, but that’s not really the point of an argumentative essay. It’s important to choose debatable argumentative essay topics because you need opposing points that you can counter with your own points. The world isn’t black and white–there are a lot of gray areas, which is good because that means there are a lot of topics you can choose from. I have listed 50 argumentative essay topics below, phrased as questions, to help get you started. I’ve separated the topics into five categories–legal, moral, social, media and family–and included a helpful link for each topic. Feel free to use the topics for your own essay, or as inspiration to create your own original topic. 10 Legal Argumentative Essay Topics.

Argumentative essay topics about legal matters are a popular choice. These types of topics can include laws that you would want to create, change or completely abolish. In An? They can also discuss certain benefits or negative aspects of existing laws. You don’t have to essay good citizen, get super technical with legal argumentative essays, but be sure to do your research on what the current laws about your chosen topic actually say. Stationary? After all, you don’t want to Buy a good citizen, suggest a changing a law that’s already been changed in the way you want. Should cigarettes and other tobacco products be outlawed? Should prostitution be legal?

Do the 2co com benefits of medical marijuana justify its legality? Is the drinking age appropriate (should it be lower, higher, or stay the good citizen same)? Should nuclear weapons be outlawed worldwide? Should the United States put more restrictions on gun ownership and use? At what age should girls have access to birth control without the consent of their parents? Does outlawing controlled substances only 2co com writings, create a larger black market? Should corporations be granted personhood? In what situations, if any, does a woman have a right to Buy a essay good citizen, an abortion? 10 Moral Argumentative Essay Topics. Moral argumentative essay topics are some of the easiest to get carried away with. They can cover a variety of moral dilemmas, from animal testing to the death penalty.

These topics tend to How to an article essay mla database, be very debatable because everyone has different opinions–and justifications for those opinions–on what they think is right or wrong. If you’re talking about human or animal rights, and it’s something you’re very passionate about, it’s tempting to let your emotions take over. Buy A Good Citizen? While it’s good to my essay, be passionate in an argumentative essay, remember to keep your thoughts focused and organized. It’s definitely worth your time to create an outline so you don’t stray off topic. Photo by Buy a essay good citizen John Snape via flickr. Is animal testing necessary? Should consumers buy items from countries that endorse child labor?

Do patients have a right to die via physician-assisted suicide? Should children’s beauty pageants be banned? Are nude photographs appropriate in museums that are open to the public? Should schools and businesses give more incentives for Personal medicine zealand, people to do volunteer work? Are atheists less moral than theists? Does freedom of speech give people the good citizen right to cite an article, use hate speech? Do people who commit heinous crimes deserve the death penalty? Do pre-employment drug tests infringe on personal privacy rights? 10 Social Argumentative Essay Topics. Social argumentative essay topics tend to overlap with legal and essay good citizen, moral topics, but deal more about how individuals act within society and what kinds of 2co com pressures society puts on individuals or groups of good citizen people. This is a pretty broad category, so there are a lot of topics to choose from and Statistical consulting tallahassee, even more that you could create on your own.

If you get stuck on which topic to write about, consider something that personally affects you or someone close to you. This should make writing about that topic come more naturally. Just be sure to rely on facts and good citizen, not on personal anecdotes, which are more appropriate to the narrative essay realm. Is there too much pressure on teenagers to go to college? At what age should citizens be allowed to How to cite an article essay, vote in the United States?

Should more rights be given to immigrants? Can heterosexual men and Buy a essay good citizen, women truly be friends with no hopes or expectations of anything more? In what case(s) could it be considered fair for a company to not hire a candidate who smokes cigarettes? Should the United States make English the tallahassee official national language? Should women wear less revealing clothing in order to Buy a good citizen, curb men’s catcalling? Do prisoners deserve the right to Literature high, vote?

Should there be a legal curfew for minors? Can online dating replace meeting a person in real life? 10 Advertising and Media Argumentative Essay Topics. Advertising and the media have become nearly inseparable from society as a whole. Buy A Citizen? Essays written on these topics can include how media (television, news, movies, magazines, social media, etc.) affects society, and what should be allowed to be seen or heard through media and advertisements.

Inspiration to my essay for me you write, create your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn’t hard to find. Just turn on a television and don’t change the channel when the Buy a good commercials come on. Pay close attention to all things electronic, and you’ll be sure to find something debatable about Literature high, what you see. Photo by Rod Allday via Wikimedia Commons. Should sex be allowed to be portrayed on Buy a essay citizen prime time television? Where should networks draw the line for violence on television? Should news shows talk about celebrities? Do journalists have a duty to eliminate as much bias as possible? Is it acceptable for high, companies to good, advertise in schools? In what situations should advertisements for alcohol and tobacco products be allowed? Should warnings and side effects be made more clear in advertisements?

Is print advertising obsolete? Do TV shows and movies have the responsibility of tallahassee being more diverse? Are public service announcements effective? 10 Family Argumentative Essay Topics. Argumentative essay topics covering family life and values are abundant. That’s because every family is different. Rules in citizen, families vary on tallahassee a case-by-case basis, contrary to laws that govern a state or nation. Because each family is different, it’s hard to generalize in Buy a, these types of writings essays. However, if you look into research on child development and psychology, marital psychology, and personal stories from parents and their children, you can get enough information to essay good citizen, make an argument for any of the my essay for me topics below (or for a topic of Buy a essay citizen your own). Photo by Eric Ward via Wikimedia Commons. Final Thoughts on Statistical tallahassee Choosing Argumentative Essay Topics.

As you can see, there are a lot of Buy a good citizen debatable argumentative essay topics you can choose from (way more than are on this list). How To Cite In An Essay Mla Database? For more ideas, read 20 Persuasive Essay Topics to Help You Get Started. Once you’re ready to come up with a thesis, check out citizen, these Argumentative Thesis Statement Examples. When you are picking your topic, keep in mind that it’s much easier to write about Statistical consulting, something that you already have interest in–even if you don’t know a whole lot about it. Researching the topic will allow you to learn more about what fascinates you, and if you pick something you actually like , writing the essay will be more enjoyable. If you’ve wrapped up your argument, but you think there may be a few holes in your logic, send your essay over to the Kibin editors. They’ll help give you the winning edge in Buy a citizen, whatever you’re debating. Psst. 98% of Kibin users report better grades! Get inspiration from over 500,000 example essays. About the Author.

Eden Meirow is a self-employed freelance writer with a passion for English, history and education. You can find her on Google+. Thank you for Personal medicine, these! I appreciate that you divided the topics into type! Awesome! Glad you found what you were looking for. #128578; Hello Naomi, what will be a good Hook for essay good citizen, Argumentative essay about anti immigrants. I want prove them wrong and show them posative side from immigrants, thanks for the help. Hi Abdul–I’m not sure *who you’re proving wrong? However, if you are writing a pro-immigrant essay, I would suggest starting with an my essay for me, emotional hook.

A hook that makes the story of immigration a HUMAN story is Buy a good, a compelling story. Thank you for the help and the quick feedback! Please give me an example. Is the cite in an mla database hook on the title or on the body? Thanks. The hook is the essay good citizen first sentence of your intro paragraph. Hey, I have an arguementative assay due and I have NOOO idea what to do it on can u help? Btw I’m 14 so it needs to be school appropriate.? Hiya– so I think the important thing would be to choose a topic that you are actually interested in.

At 14, and sorry if I’m stereotyping you due to Literature high, your age, perhaps a good argument would be to discuss the effects of video games on young people. Essay Good Citizen? Here is a great resource to help you: I looked @ the ideas but I’m still not sure. What would be a good resource for supporting the Literature high school opinion that physician-assisted suicide is morally wrong? I’m having a hard time choosing a new topic for Buy a citizen, my argumentative essay. Consulting? I was writing on citizen how smoking should be outlawed but my professor told me she couldn’t help me on this and it was a hard topic to argue about. Can you please help. It sounds like your teacher wants you to get more specific than that topic (which, to be fair, is writings, pretty broad). Good? A more specific version might be: In what case(s) could it be considered fair for a company to not hire a candidate who smokes cigarettes? Or you could argue that more cities should enact smoking bans which disallow smoking in our near public places (look at laws in California and Statistical consulting, Colorado for Buy a essay good citizen, example). I need to write an argumentative research paper about to write letters, 3000 words.

Do you have any suggestions for a topic that I can find so much things to write about? I hope that one of the 50 above topics will get you thinking about what you want to write about. My biggest piece of advice is Buy a, definitely choose a topic that you care about, otherwise you are really going to struggle getting 3000 words down. Think about the topics that get you fired up during your regular day-to-day life–maybe you can turn one of those topics into you write, an argument. Speaking of 3k words, here’s a good post on making an essay citizen, essay longer (without adding useless fluff): I’m sorry to hear that.

Maybe you’ll find this post to be helpful in your quest for statement zealand, the perfect topic: Same I have to Buy a essay citizen, do that. I need to write 3 essays and I 5 days to for me, do it need HELP and I’m 15. Hi Dyson–eep that’s a lot of essays in a short amount of time. You’re going to good, want to stay organized. Check out this post with 7 different outline templates that you could use: Thank you for that it really helps me. You’re welcome. Thanks for 2co com, reading! Hi, I was hoping to get some advice on an argumentative essay.

My argument is broad and good, about Self-harm and Suicide, how can I find a specific direction to follow it I only have 2 days to write a 6 page essay. Literature School? Do you have any tips or advice to help me specify my topic or where to even start? Can you please help? Hi i need to write 7-10 page argumentive essay and i don’t have any idea can you help me what is Buy a essay, it good to write about? contact me.I do help students write their essay. I will appreciate.

sweet! Thanks for the comment. Hi there. My name is Lisa. Do you need any help with your homework? I am available for help and I will be glad to help. Literature? Contact me for non-plagiarized, well formatted researched work, and always on time. Thank you in advance. I have to right a research essay that will end up over the course be a 7 to 8 page essay and I can not think of a topic it has to be arguable….

Have any idea what topic would be good? The 50 topics in this post should lead you to something good. The trick is to Buy a essay citizen, choose a topic that you are interested in so that you have a chance to possibly even *enjoy the process of researching and writing. Remember, an arguable topic means that you could conceivably argue both sides (or more than one side). Consulting Tallahassee? This post covers writing an argumentative thesis statement and also has more topic ideas: This is literally the same thing i’m going thru for english 202. It has to end up being 7 to 8 pages and Buy a essay good citizen, it has to be a argumentative research essay. Year 10 800 words essays and these wont make enough. Don’t despair. You can do it. Writings? #128578;

Hi Naomi. I am looking for help in good citizen, formulating a thesis (a good argument) for a 3000 word research paper on the following ” Discuss the social and cognitive consequences on bilingualism and multilingualism” . Any assistance rendered would be greatly appreciated. Thank you #128578; A basic framework for your thesis statement will outline the Literature high points that you want to defend throughout your paper. It may look something like this: The social and cognitive consequences of good citizen bilingualism and multilingualism include CONSEQUENCE 1, CONSEQUENCE 2, and CONSEQUENCE 3. Or maybe you want to Stationary to write, take it a step further and argue that biilingual is socially and cognitively BENEFICIAL, so your framework would be: The social and cognitive benefits of bilingualism and multilingualism are many and Buy a good, include BENEFIT 1, BENEFIT 2, and BENEFIT 3. Your first research goal would be to uncover the consequences (or benefits) that you can defend with evidence , perhaps you want to discuss research related to multilingualism and Revise my essay for me you write, aging and how it 1) prevents cognitive decline 2) staves off Alzheimers and 3) something else you can find perhaps more social than cognitive here. Once you have the points you want to defend in place, you can refine your thesis statement so that it is good citizen, has a more organic structure than the list framework I provided. Thank you so much ! Of course!

Thanks for Statistical, reading. #128578; Hi Naomi. Good? I have started writing the paper. Statistical Consulting? However, I am having difficulties with the organization of my paper. Is it possible that you can proof read what I have so far and Buy a essay good citizen, give me tips on how to properly organize the essay? It would be greatly appreciated.

It’s fantastic that you understand the value of having someone proofread your essay. Medicine Zealand? While I can’t do this for Buy a good, you (not enough time in 2co com, my schedule), you have come to the right place. Essay Citizen? Our editors are available 24/7 to my essay for me, check your essay for organization, clarity, grammar and more. You can learn more about essay good, that service here: I have to do 700-900 word essays a week and I loose my nerve a lot. 2co Com Writings? but trust me, it can be worse… Good luck on your writing though!–I’m sure you need it more than me… i have to do a 10-15 page essay single spaced. Pinterest tells me that if you want an essay to seem longer, highlight all the periods, and change the font size from 12 to essay, 14. I can promise you that most professors are on to this trick! If you go into an essay well-prepared, you should be able to hit your word count without resorting to tricks like this, which are often more time-consuming than doing a little extra writing in Stationary, the first place #128578; I am writing an 1800 minimum word essay and for some topics there will be enough you just have to be well prepared. So true!

If you’re armed with plenty of sources and make a solid outline to plan your paper, it’s much easier to good citizen, reach your target word count #128578; Here are the basic steps you need to Stationary to write letters, take to execute an Buy a, argumentative essay: 1) pick your topic–this post is a good place to start. 2) do your research– 3) formulate a thesis statement– 4) write an outline– 5) draft your paper– 6) edit your paper – 7) turn it in and celebrate your accomplishment! three claims right.

Yes, three claims is in an mla database, a nice round number (in some cases you could do more or less, depending on the specific requirements and length of Buy a essay good your paper). Hey, i Have to submit a 2000 word argumentative essay by tomorrow afternoon on inspiration vs infringement and so far I’ve written only 200. Statement? Could you please tell me what all points i could include? Just saw this and it looks like “tomorrow afternoon” has arrived. Buy A Essay Good? I hope that you were able to come up with some good points. This makes me think of Walt Disney and how all of his characters came from previously dreamed up characters (from Grimm and others), and how later on (in the 90s) Disney led the charge in more restrictive copyright laws.

That would be one case study I would use for a topic like this. That is awesome to hear. Thanks for your comment! thank you Naomi for this. hi Naomi, me and my partner have no idea on 2co com writings what are topic will be, based on essay our courses. I’m studying entrepreneurship and she is studying computer science. it has been 2 months and yet we cannot come up with an my essay for me you write, idea on what will be our topic. please help us for we are desperate. we would be so thankful if you’l help us a little bit. I’m not quite sure what you are asking for. Are you trying to find a topic for a research paper that is citizen, related to both computer science and entrepreneurship? I hope so, because that is the question I’m attempting to answer here.

What you choose will largely depend on where your interests are. You two would do well to Revise my essay for me you write, sit down and brainstorm a list of potential ideas and then do some preliminary research to see if you can find information to support your project. For example, my initial brainstorm of topics might look like: -what role do robotics play in business? -what softwares are essential for running a scalable startup? -will emerging technologies lead to a jobless economy? -will emerging technologies lead to a new type of job market? -should computer science students be required to take business classes (since most startups require both tech savvy and business understanding)?

Then I’d do some initial research on my favorite two ideas to find out if any of them have enough material to support a full research paper. For example, I found this source that could support my last topic idea (computer sci students taking biz classes). I think that you may be struggling a bit because “computer science” and good, “entrepreneurship” or both broad disciplines that cover a variety of statement topics. You might find this post helpful for you to Buy a good citizen, narrow down your idea: this article is great and also helped me a lot for my project….but i am currently writing a novel and i need some pointers for it…..would you be able to help. The novel is a fan-fic on an article mla database the original series Percy Jackson… Congrats on starting the rewarding project of essay good writing your own novel.

The best advice for writing a novel is just sitting down and writing it. To Write? You may be tempted to make up excuses such as not having enough time or not feeling like it’s coming out Buy a citizen, as you want it to, but if you’re serious about Stationary to write, this, you’ll set those excuses aside and just write. Your first draft does not have to be perfect. In fact it won’t be perfect. Essay Good Citizen? It will likely be a giant mess.

So you need to 2co com writings, be okay with that fact and just get through it. Buy A Citizen? Set a word count goal for cite an article essay mla database, every day, and every week. A final novel is about 70,000-100,000 words so keep that in mind! It’s a marathon. Once you have a draft, you can go back and citizen, revise it… again and How to cite in an essay mla database, again until it’s right. were recquired to Buy a essay good citizen, do 1500 word essay and i didnt know what topic I can choose. But thank you for this, it gave me an idea. I’m so glad you found it helpful! Thanks for reading. Naomi help me please? i’am looking for the disadvantages of 2co com writings a physical store and citizen, found only to write letters, minor things. i wanted to Buy a essay good citizen, find a disadvantage that can put up a fight.

Do you mean the disadvantages of shopping at a physical store or of owning one? I assume you mean shopping at one, so here are a couple ideas off the to write letters top of my head: – Unless you live nearby, you have to pay to travel there (gas, wear and tear on essay good citizen your car). – There is a higher risk that the store will be out of the item you need (or won’t have the right size, type, flavor, etc.) due to my essay, limited inventory. – Prices may be higher due to Buy a, overhead costs (rent, utilities, etc.) compared to online-only establishments. thank you Erin. this is such a big help. Happy to help! Thanks for reading #128578; I think any of the topics listed here could be pretty amazing — just make sure you back up your ideas with solid reasons. Happy writing (and impressing)! Hi, help here how do I start a court criminal observation essay with this thesis- Justice should be maintained but is the system worth it? i have a ten page essay due in Statistical tallahassee, a month so any advice on how to get it done without killing myself.

Hey, a month is a good long while. I’d definitely break it down into citizen, lots of smaller steps that you can attack a little at a time — brainstorming, researching, outlining, drafting, then revising. The outlining step will save you a ton of work; I’d definitely read for some pointers. You might also check out I have to to write letters, make an long af essay and english is not even my natural born languege.SEND HELP. Agreed with some comments below that for Buy a citizen, some kind of essays up to zealand, 2k words everything you need is imagination and nothing else. Especially if you have internet then not a sinple paper work seem hard for me. The internet definitely makes writing papers easier. Thanks for the comment!

Hello, I’m need to Buy a, write a thesis for my uni’s project this year. Letters? But, I’m having a problem with my topic, is it a good topic or not? I’m not sure, will you help me? My thesis topic is, “Students’ perception on essay citizen integrity, as one of the NDUM characteristics.” *NDUM is my university, so I want to know how this integrity give an effect to statement, the students, in the way of education. I think you’re off to a good start, but you still need to take a stance on your topic. Here is an example of what I mean: “Students’ perception of integrity, which is one of NDUM’s characteristics, has a strong impact on how student success in education.” In a paper with that thesis, you could explore how positive/strong perceptions of integrity affect success and/or how weak perceptions of integrity impact success. Another approach, if you want to focus only on positive impacts, might be: “Students who have a strong perception of integrity, one of NDUM’s core characteristics, tend to be more successful in their educational endeavors.” I hope these ideas help you narrow down your topic a bit! Hello everyone? I am an online tutor. I do a wider array of assignments from essays, projects and research papers.

I produce quality and original papers that are payable after receiving the assignments. All the essay good citizen assignments are done in 12-24 hours. Be free to inquire more. Email: [emailprotected] . I’m writing a 10-12 page essay about mental health. I don’t know specifically what to write about because the cite an article in an topic itself is so broad. Can someone give ma an advice on this?

I’m writing a 10-12 page essay about mental health. I don’t know specifically what to Buy a citizen, write about because the topic itself is Literature school, so broad. Can someone give ma an advice on this? You’re right that “mental health” is Buy a good, a really broad topic. If you’re writing an argumentative essay, you need to come up with an approach/stance that’s a) debatable and b)provable. Here are a few examples of cite essay possible approaches: – Argue that the government (national, local, etc.) has a responsibility to increase funding for mental health initiatives. – Should free mental health therapy be offered in Buy a, schools? Argue in favor of/against. – Does the How to cite an article in an mental health of good citizen parents impact their children? Why or why not?

There are a lot of possibilities here, but I hope those spark some ideas for Literature high, how you can narrow your topic to Buy a good citizen, be more specific. 2co Com? Happy writing! Thank you. I started my essay on good government should increse the fundings. Personal Statement? Now I’m on my thesis statement. i just started this. do you think this will improve my spelling problem. I am writing a 25000 minimum word essay. #128577; That’s a long one, but you can totally do it. Buy A Good? Just make sure to organize your ideas before you start.

You might want to school, check out good, . This outline template can work just as easily for a 25000-word essay as it would a 500-word essay depending on my essay for me you write how many claims you’re making and how much evidence you use to Buy a essay good, back them up. Much respect for letters, your decision to essay citizen, go back to school! What an awesome example you’re setting for your kids #128578; I would definitely recommend that you explore some of our (many, many) other blog posts for cite an article in an, writing help. I’m obviously biased, but they’re a fantastic resource for Buy a essay citizen, getting un-stuck. As for this essay, I think that there are definitely some argumentative angles you could take with the subject of autism. Off the top of Stationary to write my head: 1. Buy A? Argue that autism should (or should not be) classified as a disorder/disability.

For instance, some suggest that it’s simply a type of neurodiversity and should not be treated as something “wrong,” just different. 2. Argue that autism stems from (or does not stem from) environmental factors. The vaccine debate is Revise my essay for me, perhaps the Buy a good most popular example of this argument, but there are a host of other causes that doctors, researchers, and parents have considered too. 3. Argue that Asperger’s syndrome is/is not different from high-functioning autism.

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Blogging is the Buy a New Persuasive Essay. As an English teacher, I’ve had numerous conversations with college professors who lament the cite in an essay mla database writing skills of good citizen, their first year students. But not all writing. Most students are capable of solid expository writing. It’s their skill with persuasive writing that’s the tallahassee problem. Specifically, they’re weak at good writing a thesis statement that can be argued. I spend three years teaching my high school students how to write a persuasive essay. For many students, it takes that long. (And I’m lucky to have them that long in my school.) Part of the problem is that our current school systems — and not just in Canada — aren’t great at producing independent thinkers.

Without this ability, it’s hard to create a great thesis statement, anticipate the for me arguments against it, and then compose your own argument in light of what you understand about the pros and cons of an issue. I love writing essays. There’s something satisfying about rendering the chaos of thoughts into Buy a essay citizen, an elegant form. Personal Zealand. But I love blogging more. It feels like playing. So for three years, I write for them, and with them. We talk about opening paragraphs, and Buy a good, they learn how to How to cite an article in an essay mla database write them with their thesis statement either as the Buy a first or last sentence. (The latter requires more skill.) They learn to use transition words, embed quotations to medicine zealand support their argument, consider the advantages of active vs. passive voice, vary their sentences, and many other skills, all in the hope of creating a strong argument. The truth is lately I’ve come to question the point of much of this. Does the average person, once they leave school, spend a lot of time composing academic essays? Is this the best way for our students to show their learning? In some places, the academic 5 paragraph essay is good, hailed as the Holy Grail of non-fiction writing achievement.

Yet even if a student can become a great persuasive essay writer, they’re still only semi-literate, at least according to the definition of 21st Century Literacies. While traditional essay writing may not help alleviate this situation, I think blogging can. Here’s the 2co com writings problem; Blogging is an Buy a citizen, entirely different beast. And one of the things I’ve learned about my students is that they don’t necessarily transfer a skill they’ve learned in one area to another without difficulty, or even prompting. For one, the paragraphing is Literature school, different. The large, solid paragraphs of good, prose that can be found in a typical persuasive essay, can feel arduous and cumbersome to all but the my essay for me you write most determined reader. Instead, blog paragraphs tend to be shorter.

It allows the piece to feel fluid and speeds up the rate at which your reader reads (often through the Buy a glare of a computer monitor or on a phone or tablet screen). And while the effective blogger still uses transition words, as many aren’t necessary to provide the piece with a feeling of fluidity and coherence. Sometimes a paragraph is one simple sentence, used for emphasis. Another thing is the thesis statement. Its placement, in a blog, is up for high, grabs. Did you catch where mine is? Actually, I haven’t written it yet. Huh?! Blogging also requires a different voice. Essay Citizen. The way I blog isn’t quite how I talk, but it’s nowhere close to how I write a formal essay.

Furthermore, the voice used in blogging needs to for me be rich, sharp and distinct, to gain an audience. And while some may argue that academic writing could stand to have a bit more color and essay citizen, flair, I’m not sure that’s currently the Statistical consulting tallahassee accepted norm (although I wish it was). In a formal essay, I would never use a sentence fragment. Ever. In a blog, it provides emphasis. Nor would I use slang in an essay. But here? Yep. In one of citizen, my posts, I double-dog dared my readers. Could you imagine double-dog daring anyone in an academic essay?

If you try it, let me know the Stationary letters result. Another thing that changes is providing your reader with evidence to support your points. In teaching the typical formal essay, I show my students how to quote directly, indirectly, and using individual words. Buy A Essay Good. Blogs still use direct quotes, but an Personal statement medicine, indirect quote can be as simple as a vague mention and a link. I think blogging is the new persuasive essay – my thesis, finally. Truth is, I love writing essays. Essay Citizen. There’s something satisfying about rendering the chaos of thoughts into an elegant form. How To An Article Mla Database. But I love blogging more. Citizen. It feels like playing.

I also find it more useful. While our students will need to know how to write essays to get through university, many won’t use it after that, unless they remain in academia. I think writing and Literature high school, persuasive thinking skills are important. However, I question the current products we require of students as proof of their learning. Most of the essays written by our students likely end up in the garbage or the computer trash can. And most are for an audience of one. Blogging has the potential to reach and influence many. Furthermore, it has greater potential for being a life-long skill. And isn’t that our goal in education? People from all walks and professions blog for the purpose of teaching, creating, and informing. A number of my recent Masters courses didn’t require papers; instead, they required blogging.

Why? Because blogging is the new persuasive essay. If we’re trying to prepare our students to think critically and argue well, they need to be able to good citizen blog. It allows for interaction. It allows for Personal zealand, ideas to be tested.

And the best posts anywhere in good cyberspace tend to have a point that can be argued. I think blogging across the curriculum, not just in Language Arts, allows for both formative and summative assessment. Blogs allow us to see the my essay progression in the development of both thinking and good citizen, writing. It may actually take more talent and skill to create an How to in an mla database, interesting persuasive post (or series of posts) on the French Revolution than a traditional essay. Students definitely need to understand how and why the Buy a mechanics (and style) of consulting tallahassee, blogging are different. The solution? Blogging needs to start earlier, much earlier. I read recently of a kindergarten teacher who blogs with her students. Great idea. There’s a teacher in Buy a good my division who does amazing things with her grade one class. I’m not proposing that you need to do things radically different.

Teach whatever you teach for Language Arts, or other subjects, but include a blog component. So if you’re teaching sentence structure, teach your students to create complete sentences while blogging. Blogs, like traditional writing, need great structure. If you’re focusing on capitalization or punctuation, transfer this skill to blog writing as well. If you’re teaching paragraph structure, teach students the paragraph structure required for traditional essays and that for blogs. They’re different. Explain why. It’s likely they won’t be good at it at first. But there is merit to the quote, “Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly.” A middle years teacher at my school used to stress out tallahassee, when we talked about student writing.

She wanted to Buy a know if she was teaching them enough. My reply: “All I need them to do is write solid paragraphs. If they can do that, I can teach them all kinds of things.” Really, everything I teach is either an addition to, or a subtraction from, a solid paragraph. My work builds on an article mla database her work. I don’t need her to teach what I teach. That’s my job. But without her previous work, mine becomes much more difficult. The same is Buy a essay citizen, true with blogging. Starting from scratch with blogging in grade 10 isn’t impossible. My Essay For Me. But we could do so much more if they already had the basics.

In order to write well, you need to Buy a write a lot. If you don’t currently teach your students to blog, please start. Our students need you to. And if you already teach your students to blog, keep it up. Because blogging is an important 21st century skill. 2co Com. It’s the new persuasive essay. Shelley Wright is a teacher/education blogger living in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan in Buy a good citizen Canada. She teaches high school English, science and technology. Her passion in Revise my essay education is social justice, global education and helping her students make the world a better place. She blogs at Wright’s Room. Follow her on Twitter at @wrightsroom.

Excellent post. Blogging (words, images, videos, links) should be recognised as an Buy a essay, art form in its own right, and potentially a huge career business asset. Self-publishing has amazing practical, spiritual and my essay you write, psychological benefits in enabling young and old alike to find their personal and public ‘voice’, Everyone becomes a good writer through writing regularly, and young people need valid personal reasons, aside from school demands, to Buy a good citizen organise their thoughts into frequent coherent writing that has a sense of audience (or even a private diary-like blog). Even if someone doesn’t write essays (or blogs) after school, knowing all the Stationary letters elements of goos persuasive writing will help evaluate writing, op-eds and editorials, elsewhere. I taught English for years and trying to help young writers is Buy a good citizen, labor-intensive and time consuming. Most people busy bashing teachers don’t understand why small classes are key, especially for English classes. Blogging is an art form. One thing that should be stressed to kids growing up now is how to realize these forms of 2co com, expression.

I kick myself every day that I didn’t notice the value of blogging when I was playing around with it for good, years. My life would be much different today if I recognized the need to stop playing and Statistical, start planning. Thanks for your post which is good, truly informative for us and we will surely keep visiting this website. We are also in same industry and welcome you to visit our website. Great post, Shelley. My own essay and persuasive writing has been rejuvenated with my own blog Mindful Stew–my challenge is now bringing the form back into statement medicine, the classroom for the students.

As a high school English teacher, we are driven by Literary Analysis for essay good citizen, our high-stakes exam, which basically translates into a typical 5-paragraph essay. It doesn’t hurt to teach the students these fundamentals, but blogging well is a powerful newish form that should be taught. An Article In An Essay. Thanks for inspiring me to good adjust my curriculum. Absolutely dead on! Anything that gets our children writing and How to cite in an essay, forming thoughts is good. An interesting and Buy a essay good citizen, timely article. Once upon a time, students studied and How to in an essay mla database, were taught to compose two types of essays, the formal, academic essay, and Buy a essay good citizen, the familiar essay. High School. Familiar essays read much like blogs. They are informal, use relaxed language, (though not slang), and allow the writer to essay use a much more intimate voice. Learning to Personal medicine zealand write a familiar essay was considered every bit as important as learning to essay citizen write an academic paper. This changed around the time I entered teaching, and the familiar essay has not been seen in high school classrooms since.

It’s a great loss. Blogs are really familiar essays revived and updated. Students should be taught how to read them critically, and the skills needed to write them well. Until last year, I would have disagreed with you. However, I incorporated blogging into my classroom, not as a persuasive tool but as a research tool. I loved it. The posts were some of the best writing I got from my freshmen all year long. How To Cite In An Essay Mla Database. I will be using blogs next year even more seamlessly with the writing process. It’s truly authentic writing that my kids really put a lot more effort into Buy a essay good citizen, rather than an consulting tallahassee, essay. My students mostly enjoyed reading and Buy a good, commenting on each other’s work. I am crazy excited about using it again next year; as a weekly review post for my computer class and a personal writing exercise with my 10 and 11 graders.

If any one ask from me, I would say that blogging is easier,quite easier then writing an essay! Love this! All my classes blog (Batesville, Arkansas, USA), and I have discovered that blogging also helps create more responsible writers, as their audience is no longer just the English teacher! If interested, I would love to collaborate. One of the missing pieces in our blogging is Literature, commenting/networking on/with this tool, continuing their arguments established within their posts. Here’s a link to last year’s classes: This fall I will teach grades 11 and good citizen, 12. Thanks for the post! Love this! All my classes blog (Batesville, Arkansas, USA), and I have discovered that blogging also helps create more responsible writers, as their audience is no longer just the English teacher! If interested, I would love to collaborate.

One of the missing pieces in our blogging is commenting/networking on/with this tool, continuing their arguments established within their posts. Here’s a link to last year’s classes: Cite In An Essay. This fall I will teach grades 11 and Buy a essay, 12. Thanks for the post! Agreed, i think blogging and reporting are quite similar for me, i was blogger once when i was young, now i`m entertainment news reporter at and 2co com, using my writing skills to Buy a essay endure my career which i gain that from my blogging era. ” It feels like playing.” Yes, the playfulness with words, language and thinking is such a rich gift we can give our students. Writing: a nourishing, human activity that endures essays and Personal zealand, test scores and helps out to connect with others all our lives!

Great column. You. sound exactly like someone I’d love to know. Keep celebrating you. Buy A Essay Citizen. The world. needs a lot more people just like you. Thanks for your honesty. I agreed with your points. Great post! Blogging is unique way of writing which involves lot of research. I’m constantly trying to find more and various ways to teach students write blog.

Want some proof that supports Shelley’s argument? We watched “The Inside Job” in my 11th grade class recently, and this is what one student wrote as a reaction to the film. To Write. I know I’m biased, but I think it’s brilliant, and it highlights the Buy a essay REAL VALUE of consulting, blogs. Well this gonna be awesome informative topic. It’ll surely very helpful to others.Cheap Paper Writing Service. writing an essay or blogging on essay it make same sense.both have to need well enough knowledge to make better writing. I will book mark this blog and will visit again hope you will have more nice posts too.

matter of un-ambiguity and maintenance of helpful awareness on the topic of. Thanks for your post. Citizen. This is truly informative. For Me. Blogging and essay writing both needed skill. A thought-provoking post. Thank you.

Essay Writing Service. study writing service. I tried numerous times to write essays and absolutely agree that the introduction should contain a thesis statement and as well as outline what the main argument of the essay good citizen paper will be .When I wrote essays, I used. research paper writing service. Love this post.

I wish I would have read it four years ago. Literature High School. It wasn’t until a year and Buy a, a half ago that I started having my own kids use blogs to advance their own writing, and How to mla database, I wish their schools would get on essay citizen this program. Gradually they begin to take more ownership of their writing and How to in an essay mla database, see the benefits of revising.

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